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First Comes Love

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Something’s coming. Towards the windows.

It’s getting closer. It’s coming fast.

I stand there, agape at what it could be. There are a few other people who’ve noticed and they’ve stopped and are pointing now as well.

It’s not a something. It’s a someone. I take a few steps back and wonder how they’re going to stop.

And then it hits me. They’re not.

As I’m processing that, whoever the person is seems to get in position, straightening their body like a missile, head first pointing straight and getting their body in one long straight line – becoming aerodynamic and cutting through the air resistance.

It’s like watching something in slow motion as their head makes contact with the age-old glass windows of Grand Central. The windows shatter into a thousand different pieces. Luckily they are high above the train board and no one is underneath the falling glass.

It sounds like a giant explosion. And then the glass begins to fall. The human missile is yelling as he zooms through the air and people get out of the way. His parachute slows him down, but not before he slams into an automated ticket machine head first, breaking it apart.

I wince. That must hurt. But it probably saved his life, cushioning him from hitting the floor or wall. His – it’s got to be a guy who would do something like this, right? – parachute slowly comes down to the ground, settling over him. Dust is flying everywhere and bits of glass are still falling from the windows.

This is when something entirely miraculous happens. The man seems to get up on this own two feet after a moment of lying there. Yeah, I know, it sounds insane, and I’m not lying to you. I mean, he seems shaky, but he de-attaches the parachute and wobbles a few steps away from where he “landed”.

He looks at his wrist for a moment and then walks two steps away from me. I can’t help but notice his trim body. This is what no sex with Derrick for a few days has done to me.

“Alicia?” he calls out.

Oh my God!

He stops and turns around and looks in my direction.

“Alicia?” he calls out a bit stronger and goes to take off his helmet.

Wait, could it be?

“I’m here, love,” he says, taking off his helmet and revealing the smirk of Prince Derrick Blaine that I know so well.

His eyes meet mine and he takes a few more steps towards me. Tears start to form in my eyes as I find myself walking unsteadily towards him as well.

Two steps from me, Derrick sinks to one knee and takes my hand.

“Alicia Bayer,” he says, “I’ve been looking for you my whole life. I was a fool to let you go away once without stopping you.”

“Derrick,” I say back to him. “I’m so sorry for everything. I’m so sorry I lied to you. I love you so much.”

“Ssh,” he says. “I’m the one who’s sorry for everything I ever did to hurt you.”

Tears fall from my eyes freely now. There’s no stopping them.

“Never again, love,” he says. “I’m nothing without you. Will you have me again? This time as Alicia and Derrick?”

His dark, soulful eyes look into mine.

I seriously love this man. What I feel for him is the absolute and purest definition of the word. I sink down to him, and ignoring everyone around us in the terminal, I run my hand over his cheek.

“Only if you let me be Daphne some days,” I tell him with a smile.

He looks at me. And then he smiles.

“Come on,” he says to me. “The plane’s landing and we should get back on it.”

“Where are we going?” I ask.

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