First Comes Love - Page 498

Oh my God. Do you hear me? Was I ever like this? A year ago, could you even have thought of me talking like this? I can’t – that’s for sure.

“It was an honor,” Derrick says, but then squeezes my hand and turns to me. “Although I don’t think I could have done it alone. That’s why they split the award with Alicia, since she’s the head of the foundation.”

“You two make quite the husband and wife pairing,” Taylor Smith says.

I smile. It’s not my time just yet to steal the show.

“And that was quite a career jump, Princess Blaine,” Taylor says, referring to my new title after marrying Derrick. “To go from News of the Times to the New York Sun as well as running a foundation. You must be all kinds of busy. How do you do it?”

“Well, a good night’s rest usually helps,” I say, smiling sweetly. Then I look at Derrick and give the camera a naughty smile. “I guess we can say I don’t take my own advice, huh?”

There are cheers and loud laughter from the hosts and audience.

“You two have had quite the relationship with this show as well,” Robin is saying. “It’s almost as if we saw your relationship start and blossom through the eyes of the show.”

“There’s a few people who didn’t make the journey,” Derrick says, and the hosts and me nod.

I mean, he has a point. Jake,

for instance. I barely remember him, but the last thing I think I heard about him is that he had to move to the Far East to finally get some type of employment in the banking industry. Jenna still keeps tabs on him and she says that his life has definitely gone downhill.

I look over at Jenna who’s sitting in the audience. She gives me a thumbs up and smiles. I smile, thinking about how a year and half ago I would have never predicted that she’d become one of my best friends. She was my maid of honor at our wedding.

Then there’s Samantha Scar. She’s not here anymore either.

In a remarkable twist of ironic karma, the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement division determined that based on her repeated attempts to harass both myself and Derrick, they were revoking her Green Card, and deported her out of the country.

I remember reading the papers and I was stunned when Mike told me. It was insane. But she couldn’t go back to St. Penares. So she ended up in Australia, doing something I can’t remember. I wonder to myself what it’s like being barred from entering two countries on the planet. It must not feel very good. Maybe she should be a nicer person.

“Yes,” Robin agrees with Derrick’ comment, “But overall, it seems that it’s been a stellar year for the two of you.”

Derrick shrugs, and takes my hand in his and kisses it on camera. “I married the woman I’ve always loved,” he says. There are a chorus of “aww” that goes through the audience as he continues, “We do what we love – helping others. And we have wonderful family.”

“Right, that reminds me, the King, your father is in the audience today, no?” Taylor asks.

“And his fiancée,” Derrick replies. “Who just happens to be Alicia’s mother.”

There’s clapping and cheering in the studio audience as the camera zooms in on King Leopold and Mom.

I smile at the two of them. They seem really happy. Derrick and I getting married must have been the impetus to take the plunge for them as well.

My mind goes back to our wedding, nearly nine months ago. It was held in St. Livy and then there was a reception in both St. Livy as well as New York City when we got back. The wedding itself was magical. We had a guest list of nearly 2,000 people. Derrick had Silas D’Avington – the Prince of St. Penares come over as his best man. Jenna was my Maid of Honor. It was the social event of the year. Even President Austin Bain attended as a groomsman. Derrick credits him to being the one that handed him my article that made him jump off the plane.

“Well, it seems that everything is going fantastic for you two,” Robin Lefler comments. “And Alicia, we all remember your days as the most entertaining gossip columnist that the city has ever seen. Care to give us any new scoops?”

I smile sweetly at the camera. It’s show time.

Looking at Derrick for a moment, I turn to the hosts and say, “Derrick and I have been the two happiest people in the world for so long.” Everyone is smiling as I continue. “But soon, we’re going to be the three happiest people in the world.”

There are gasps as Derrick caresses my tummy. I just found out maybe a month ago, but I’m not showing yet.

“Congratulations,” Robin says, completely surprised about the scoop that her show is getting. Derrick didn’t want to announce on television, but I convinced him after all the fines and heartache he had put CBC through, it was the least we could do.

The audience is clapping as I smile and say, “You heard it here first, America.”

This brings out a round of laughter and I sit back, content. I’m happy to let Derrick answer the remaining questions. There’s nothing more I need to do to.

I told you my time would come, didn’t I?

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024