Cindersmellya - Page 178


ybe it’s not 100% me and Ash,” I say to Luca, “But the fact that I’m calling specifically for her and I don’t care how much it costs me is causing the computer to send more clients to her.”

“And I have so many regulars now, gentlemen, that if I were to leave the company, it would start being unprofitable fast,” Ashley interjects.

“That’s actually true,” I tell the two men. “After Ashley quit when she found out, the company began a stretch of negative revenue days that hasn’t picked up yet.

“And just to let you know, I’m not coming back if Arsen sells Simulated Pleasures to you,” Ashley finishes off. She turns to me and looks me in the eyes. “I think it should stay with him. Something that maybe we can build together.”

“So without this girl, we’d be buying a money-losing venture?” Mozorov asks Luca. His lawyer only nods.

Mozorov turns to me and looks me in the eyes. “Is there any way you can see yourself forgiving me for getting out of this deal, Mr. Hawke?”

And there you go. The tables have fucking turned.

I lean back, taking Ashley’s hand in mine. Her eyes are on me. They’re filled with love.

Gerard is looking at me as well. His eyes are filled with admiration.

Luca and Mozorov are looking at me, their eyes filled with hope. That I have mercy in my soul.

I look across the table.

“I think if you can pay for dinner, we can call it a day,” I say with a smirk.

“Done,” Mozorov says, raising his glass and holding it out.

“Deal,” I say raising my scotch glass. We clink and drink.

I turn to Ashley. I don’t even fucking care that there are people around me as I look into her eyes.

“Ash,” I say. “I’m sorry…”

But she doesn’t let me finish. Instead she places her index finger over my lips. She holds it there for a second, and then gives me a smile.

I can’t fucking help it at this point. I reach over and bring her face closer, drawing her in for a kiss.

When we come up for air, the people around the table are smiling.

And the world has been made whole again.


Happy endings… They are real. Forget everything you have ever read about the cold harsh world where no happiness can be found: it’s all bullshit. If you know where to look, it’s there, waiting for you. Sure, it doesn’t show up on your doorstep with a bow wrapped around it, but it exists. If I found happiness—and love—why can’t you and everyone else?

It started when Arsen Hawke entered my life out of nowhere, hijacking my taxi. And now here we are, checking in at the Hilton, barely able to keep our hands off of each other. We left the restaurant in a hurry, all thoughts of business vanishing the moment our lips touched—all that mattered was the heat in our bodies, the incessant desire that wrapped itself around both of us. Our minds and bodies burning, there was little else we could do than leave Del Frisco's and head straight for the closest hotel; lucky for us, all it took was a short stroll to the other side of the street.

“I love you so damn much,” Arsen says, stopping right in front of the door to our room. “You can’t imagine how much, Ash.” I smile, taking one step forward and pressing my body against his. I look into his eyes, resting one hand on his face and leaning in for a gentle kiss.

“I know… And I also know how much,” I tell him, whispering each word. “Because I feel exactly the same. I’m sorry it took me this long.” Before I can say anything else, he presses his finger over my lips, just like I did to him before.

“It doesn’t matter. We’re here now, just the two of us.”

“Yes, just the two of us,” I repeat, licking my lips unconsciously as the same thought crosses our minds. Grinning, Arsen turns to the door and slides the magnetic key across its slit, turning the handle and walking inside the room. I follow after him, closing the door behind me. Still smiling, I walk past him, making an enormous effort to not jump on him right away. I want to do this right, after all. It’s time for us to be able to enter an apartment or a room and get past the hallway.

I sit on the edge of the bed, my eyes locking on his. He comes over to me, going down on one knee as he holds my chin between his thumb and index finger. My heart is racing, lust and love mixing into one dangerous combination. This time there are no worries, no consequences to consider… Arsen and I, we’re finally one.

I rest my hands on his face and pull him in, my eyelids drooping as I lean in toward him. Our lips touch slowly, our mouths fitting as if they were matching pieces of the same set. We barely move; we just stand still, our slightly parted lips brushing against one another while we let reality sink in. This is really happening and I’m not even talking about the sex right now.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024