Cindersmellya - Page 211

And then it's as if a circuit connects in her brain and she makes the link between what she's been searching for—like finding the correct piece in a jigsaw puzzle.

"You were with her, weren't you?" she asks. Her eyes are burning holes into me and I know exactly whom she's referring to.

"No—well, not completely," I say. "I mean I was, but it's not what you think."

Cheryl gives me a critical glare.

"Right, and you expect me to believe that?" she asks.

"Believe whatever you want, but let's continue," I say, slightly annoyed. "If we don't get this product launched, we'll all be in trouble."

Cheryl realizes that she isn't going to get anything further out of me, so she continues.

"I've created an infographic that shows a breakdown of various demographics and who our target audience is. You'll see that while many of our clients are male, we do have a sizeable segment of female viewers," she says. "If you look right here, you can see what I'm referring to."

I glance at the image on her screen, but my mind hasn't been following a word she's said, so it takes me a minute to locate what I should be looking at.

"It's right here," Cheryl says, pointing down to the far left corner. There's a tinge of irritation in her voice.

She continues, "I was also considering the fact that we have a large sponsorship pool that we can reach into as well. If we throw an event for this product launch, I could see various adult novelty stores interested in sponsorships. Who was that one sex toy manufacturer that we used to partner with? Ethan?"

"Oh right, uh, let's see—who were they again?" I ask.

"Never mind. I've just remembered," she says. "We worked with two companies—Naughty by Nature and Good Vibrations. Shall we send them a sponsorship proposal?"

"Sure, whatever you think."

"It's your call, Ethan. If we offer them a package, I can ask our marketing team to draw up the proposal. Do we want to offer three tiers of sponsorship?"

"Look, I must be more tired than I thought because honestly, all of these ideas are jumbled together in my mind," I lie. I'm not tired, but it's true that I'm not focused. I only have one thing on my mind, and it's certainly not the product launch—or events—or sponsors.

"I trust you, Cheryl. You know this business—and me—inside and out. You make the call, and pull the levers. We'll get everyone onboard with the plan and we'll roll it out. I have total confidence that this will be a product launch for the books. It'll be the best one in Illicit Entertainment history."

"Okay, if that's how you feel, I'll make the call," she says. I can tell she's still giving me a sideways glance, but I shrug it off and gather my things. Just as I'm about to excuse myself from the room, she speaks up.

Brittney is supposed to be shooting today," she says.

"Oh yeah?" I ask, acting casual.

"From what I can tell, it's an extensive scene. She should be in the building shortly."

As soon as she says that, I know exactly where I'm heading.


“Turn your body around a bit to the left so the camera gets your ass,” the photography director calls out from his chair and I angle my body on the bed a little bit so that my ass is pointing toward him.

Jesus, I never thought I’d be back here again.

I’m wearing nothing but a lace black thong, black stockings and a matching lace black bra. I’m on a bed with red silk sheets on all fours, trying to look sexy.

I used to do this back in the day, when I was doing porn full time. Take teaser shots. For covers, promotional materials, trailers, you name it.

Although back then, it wasn’t as high-tech as it is now. And Robert used to be there with me.

The thought sends a shudder down my spine. I can’t believe Robert used to stand there and watch me as I wriggled my ass for the camera.

Oh yeah, Robert, right? I told you earlier I’d tell you about him.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024