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Sigh. His name is Dodgeball. And tomorrow I’ll tell you allllllll about him. But tonight I’m gonna go bask in thoughts of him and think about him before I share him with the world lol :p

Hugs and Kisses and Lots of Love,

Alexis Angel

Dodgeball #3

I can't believe I've been talking about one guy for the last two days...OMG

But the thing is the more I draw it out the more I can still relive it, ya know? Like an ice cream cone you don’t want to end so you only lick with the tip of your tongue. I mean, I can think of something else you only lick with the tip of your tongue too….lol

Anyways, that’s so not what I was thinking two nights ago at Midnight Dodgeball as I lay on the ground, sprawled out, my drink spilled.

But like I said, I opened my eyes and the most lovely looking man was looking down on me.

“I’m sorry I hit you with my balls,” he said to me (or something like that)

“You hit me on the side of your head with your balls,” I replied (At least I hope so. I mean, I was pretty drunk, and I was kinda lusting over this guy, and you know, on the ground because I just got hit with some balls. I might have just been saying “You himme hard balls mah no hurt” or some gibberish lol)

“It’s like my balls were attracted to you, I wasn’t even trying to hit you,” he replied.

“I have a way with balls,” I said back (At this point I’m just guessing what I said now btw)

“You look like you like balls when you’re not getting hit in the head with them though,”

“When you’re not playing with my balls though, maybe you wanna grab another beer?”

So it turns out Dodgeball is actually the guy who arranged the meetup in the first place that morphed into the Midnight Dodgeball activity. He’s cuuuuuute. He’s 33 and a CFO at a San Francisco startup for an app that I never heard of in my life. And he actually did mean to hit me in the head with a rubber ball. He saw me walking and apparently liked the way my ass looked and so figured it would look better on the ground? I have no idea. We talked for a lil bit and then I went home where I passed out and woke up yesterday all hung over.

Anyways, Dodgeball is gonna call sometime this weekend. I told him I’m busy till Sunday so text me then.

I was supposed to have 1 booty call this week but I had to postpone it because I’m working on Dirty Daddy and I wanna get that to ARC this Sunday. I’m actually even postponing my girls night tonight and tomorrow night to rather be Monday night dinner with Freeway and Tuesday night sex with WineBar.

And both guys have texted. Like where am I. But this girl gots to get her work on. So she can release another filthy book to make you ladies sigh!

Hugs and Kisses and Lots of Love,

Alexis Angel


Wow ok Dirty Daddy is like 36 hours away...

But I gotta tell you something first.

Soooo, I posted last night before I emailed. I was on Facebook and I was like "Hey I'm gonna go do something naughty" and then left. I didn't say what because come on, have you not figured out that I'm a tease.

Anyways, so turns out Freeway was like you wanna come over. I was like, no, sorry I can't because I have to work, but you can come over. We're talking about sex here, just FYI.

Anyways, that's how I roll. I'm not letting some booty call distract me from my goal of providing thousands of readers a new book because you guys cum first. LOL and yes pun intended.

Anyways, so I was working when Freeway comes over and I'm like wow this is fast we just had our first date and he wants to do it. But I know in my head we're not gonna do it but we can still mess around a lil bit, you know?

So I'm d

oing my read through of Dirty Daddy and we're watching a movie and then he does his moves which aren't bad so I put my tablet down and start to respond. Anyways, so I'm kissing him and my hands are at his belt and I undo it after we wrestle for a while.

I unzip his zipper and undo the button on his jeans.

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