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Like you know how they say look both ways before you cross the street? You should also look ahead of you to see if the curb rises up and what not.

“Looks like that was kind of a big fall,” the guys said to me, stopping to help me up. I mean I was in pain but my ego was more wounded. Like it wasn’t a gracious fall. It was all flailing arms and legs.

“Thanks,” I said, still embarrassed.

“I’m Jogger,” he introduced himself. “Do you need anything? Are you okay?”

What I needed was a nice bubble bath with him, but instead I looked at him and said “No thanks. I’m such a klutz. And this was supposed to stop ever since I dyed my hair brown.”

“Can you walk?” he asked me, holding me as I got up on my feet. I scooched closer to him without realizing, wanting his arms around me a bit more.

“I’ll be okay,” I said. And I noticed he nodded and looked down the Embarcadero, about to go run again. I needed to do something.


So as soon as he let go…

I fell again.


“We’re not going anywhere,” he said. “By the way, what’s your name?” he asked me.

“I’m Alexis.”

“Well, Alexis, we’re going to go sit down.”

It just so happened that where we sat down was a fabulous Italian restaurant where we had a few glasses of Prosecco and talked. So Jogger works as a CFO of a tech startup on Howard Street in San Francisco. He lives close to the Embarcadero, very very close to me.

And he gave me his number. And because it was raining men, I didn’t get a chance to call him. Till I saw him jogging next to me again. The day after WineBar caught me. So now I can continue that story the next time we talk.

Hugs and kisses and lots of love!


Press Conference

The first ever Alexis Angel Press Conference...

So today we are gonna do something fun! You guys send me roughly about 120 pieces of email a day and I rarely get a chance to answer them all. So I’ve grouped some together and I’m gonna hold a “press conference” in honor of Mr. President from Alexis Angel about to come out except it’s not a press conference and it’s not in real time and you guys aren’t reporters. So it’s more like the Comey hearing except I’m an angel and not some 8 foot tall FBI dude.

Oh and before we get started, I totally went out on a date with Jogger yesterday and kissed him. I’m going for a run with him tomorrow morning and then we’re getting brunch. No banging yet.

Okay, let’s get started!

Alexis, is that your real name?

No. My real name is redacted and Alexis is my pen name to protect my personal privacy and also because I haven’t quite quit my day job yet but I’m in the process of. My day job would be not okay with me doing what I do just yet but I gotta pay the bills till this authoring thing starts paying off. A girl’s gotta make the money to buy the food, booze and La Perla, ya know?

So how do you meet all these guys? Any advice?

Well, actually they meet me. I go trolling for guys, but it usually ends up in disaster. That’s a good story to tell! But really, I mean, I’m single and living in a big city. And I loooove having fun. My piece of advice would be just have fun and don’t think about it. The moment you start thinking about wanting to meet guys, that’s when it becomes difficult. But just go out, kick back, have fun, be independent, don’t feel sad about asking for a table for one, learn to have fun with yourself, and laugh a lot and guys will totes come flocking.

Are you still devastated about WineBar?

I’ll give him a call later, but I have too much to do to stay devastated about a guy.

How long have you been writing?

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