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But what I wanted to talk to you about more was this. Yesterday I got a few emails from people. They were like OMG thank you for writing such and such book and I was like yay! Then they were like I also like the books at the end and I was like aww. But one person was like you know, I have a limited budget and sometimes I can't buy all the books I want so thank you for including yours in the back and it got me to thinking.

I'm not writing books to make lots of money. I used to work on Wall Street and I still have a day job sorta so this is more because I'm passionate about doing it.

One of the things that motivates me so much is making people happy or when someone tells me how much my story moved them.

So I am going to take a few pledges now. Here and today. They are:

1. I promise never to price my books higher than 99c and I will fight any price increase tooth and nail. I want all readers to be able to afford my books and I promise that if you can find a dollar you can find something on my catalog. No one should ever be deprived of a good story because it will break their budget. That's not the business I'm in.

2. I promise to always make the reading an experience for you. It's not just about the one story. I will always seek to increase your customer satisfaction, or I like to call it your reading pleasure. I will do this by putting in a mixture of never before seen content as a thank you after the book, as well as old favorites. If you don't wanna read it because you still remember the story? That's fine, you don't have to. But if I can provide value to just one person who is able to forget their troubles for just one day and spend a day with Alexis Angel, then it will be worth it.

This is my pledge to you as an author as long as I publish in Kindle Unlimited.

Hugs and kisses and lots of love,


Happy Daddy Day! LOL

Yeah, because it's Father's Day!

Lol! Like I have a father I'm going to see. I don't have a Daddy like in books where a girl has a daddy because I think he wouldn't be able to handle me.

But one man who will most def always be able

to handle me is my Dad. He's like always helping me do stuff, even when he has no idea. Like this time around, he's gonna help me with some tax stuff that my business partner was going to do but got caught up with other stuff to do.

So nice welcome change from WineBar (who I am talking to on Monday over dinner we decided) and all the rest of my Harem and hang out with the parental units.

But I was reading through some Getting Caught Experiences and I figured why not give out a few books? So, if your story is on here, please reply back and I'll have a surprise book for you!

So, lets see, Rachel writes:

Me and my husband were dating while we were deployed in Saudi during Desert Storm. We were going at it out in the desert when I noticed a helicopter over us. I mentioned it he said some general was filming our site for training film. I told him that I hope they edit his white ass out of it. Moral of story always remember when high ranking officers are going to be around. Luckily they could not see our faces to know what our names were.

Haha! Funny. Or I liked this one from Marty which was hilarious!

My first husband and I were totally engrossed. In stroking when I felt a hand on my thigh. Our three year old daughter had gotten up and wandered into our room. Gently directed her back to bed, but that ended sex that night!

And this one OMG from Misty!

We were living together and it was about three months after I had our first daughter. He had been out of town and I went to the airport to pick him up. He'd been gone for about a week and his mom was at our house watching our daughter. We thought hey we need to have sex before we go home to our daughter. So he pulls off the road somewhere and we get naked and I'm sitting on top of him going at him pretty hard. We both get to cum and just then the whole back window is flooded with light. I freak out and jump off of him trying to grab my clothes and throw them on. My boyfriend casually lays his pants over his lap just a a cop knocks on his window. He rolls down the window and the cops like "so what's going on here?". My boyfriend is like " oh nothing officer my girlfriend and I were just trying to get some alone time before we head home to our daughter, because I've been out of town for a while". The cop is like "you mean you live together and you're out here having sex in your car" and he kinda chuckles as he says it. So my boyfriend is like "well like I said I've been out of town and I couldn't wait until we got home and with a baby at home you never know when you'll get a chance to get some, you know what I mean" and he chuckles and winks at the cop. The cop says "well this is not the place for that and you guys should head on home" and as he's getting ready to walk away my boyfriend says "oh we just finished when you got here so we were fixing to head home anyway". The cop looks at me and smirks and says "well enjoy the rest of your evening" and walks away. I was so totally embarrassed and my boyfriend is just laughing his ass off.

Hugs and kisses and lots of love,



OMG So funny!

So I was totally getting the Alexis Angel press conference ready when I was talking to my really good friend, who I’m gonna call HotChik. We haven’t talked in a while and like recently started to talk again and she was like oh what are you doing and I was like its pretty hot and asked her what are you doing and she was all like nothing I’m just sending some things to this guy. So like I know this guy and I’m like omg HotChik, you totally like him. And she’s like no, omg. And so she like knows what I do for work and about how I write romance so I decide to tease her and I’m like omg I am so gonna write a book about like this girl who sends this guy stuff because she can’t tell him.

So she’s like what kinda story. And so I figure something like the following.

So like maybe a office romance where this girl works for this guy. And maybe he’s like a famous. Anyways, so she chats to him online and they get to know each other’s personality and he falls in love with her and she falls in love with him but she can’t tell him because she works for him. So instead she and him have cybersex and she cums and then sends him her thong that she came in. And so he smells them because he doesn’t know where she is but then for whatever reason she can’t talk to him online anymore so he needs to find her. So he has like some sort of contest where women send him their thongs but he can’t find the girl. But this girl is helping him and in trying to find the girl he and her fall in love but he can’t do her because he wants thong girl. But when they finally do do it he’s like I know that smell and they live HEA.

So HotChik was all like no way I wouldn’t read that. Would you?

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