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Hugs and kisses and lots of love,



So this is pretty crazy!

So first off, thank you everyone for your comments yesterday. Especially those who were like oh a pacemaker is no big deal. I’ve had one since like five years ago and I have such a better quality of life. That was a few people. A larger number of people were like dude I’ll keep your mom and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

This is crazy. So, the whole thing went down on Monday where the doctor initially said hey you might need a pacemaker to my mom. Then he ordered an echocardiogram the next day. So yesterday, she did the echo. I came to SF because my dad took her and the doctor took a look at it at the end of the day. So he gives her a call and he says, hold up, we may not need the pace maker. You may just need to get off beta blockers and other medicine which keeps your blood pressure low because that seems to be lowering your heart rate. But you may not have a heart block.

Which means no pacemaker for now? So instead, he said looks like you may not need so many blood pressure medicines.

Which is crazy. This is like the power of prayer and good thoughts. Honestly, I know some ppl were probably like dude why do you write about stuff that close to you on your author NL but like I mean I just sent it to 20,000 ppl. If say 10K ppl opened it and 5,000 people said one prayer then maybe it was enough for something good to happen. I dunno, I’m just a happy camper and so was my mom when we FaceTime’d and she told me.

But like any mom, she’s not willing to let me get out of staying at home for a couple weeks like I had originally planned. So I am headed back home.

All you #TeamWineBar fans, I was in such a good mood yesterday that I went the distance with him last night. Three times. We also talked a bit. We’re gonna take things slow. Let things develop. We may still see other people, but we’ll be open if something develops between us.

Life is good. I’m off to go spend summer with the folks for a few weeks. Hang out by the pool. Tempt the neighbor. Seriously, I feel like such a Lolita after what I did to Mr. Neighbor the other day. I never really told you what he ended up seeing and doing that Monday. I just called it “poolside shenanigans”. I didn’t say anything because you know, like my mom.

But the immediacy of the issue with her is past, and I’m back to my crazy sexy self.

Hugs and kisses and lots of love,


With Parents

My love life staying with my parents should be a book...SEAL'd Up.

As in my legs are sealed up. As in not spread. As in I might as well be living in a nun place. Like a convent.

Because I got back yesterday and today Dad cooked breakfast. Then we did some gardening. Then my mom spent an hour doing Mom things like lecturing me that I should get married soon. And then when I was like ya I think I'm going out tomorrow she's like be careful I don't want you getting a reputation as coming back into town and living all big city crazy.

Sigh. They're my parents and I love them, but I dunno how much longer I can make it. And today is only the first day! Although ready made blueberry pancakes in the morning are a plus! But then I know that the only time I'm gonna get some is like in secret. This summer is gonna be like high school all over again!

Time to hand out some free books! We are going to go with some Caught Doing It Stories!

Short and sweet and sexy, from Anne:

I was caught with

My hottie professor at school by another

Professor. She didn't turn us in

but she gave me dirty looks afterwards.

Embarrrrrrassing from Ligia:

Ok I know this is bad but me and hubby got caught by all 3 kids ..him with his ass in the air pumping away.????.lol they were young 7,5,and hubby came up with some excuse while I was red faced thinking "I'm not ready to give the birds and bees talk"???? I will never forget to lock the door again. ?? Whatever hubby told them was good because they have grown up not showing signs of being traumatized at a young age.. They are now 18,16,and 14.

I can almost relate to this story from Hollie!

Before my husband and I were married we were in his room and were naked getting ready to have sex on his waterbed and his dad just walks in the room without even knocking. The only thing we had for cover was an afghan with holes in it so that really didn't do any good.

I can also see this happening to me...from Larosa!

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