Cindersmellya - Page 409

Yes! You should be ashamed of yourself!

No! You only live once!

You’re okay, but you still need to talk to WineBar when you get home

I am so lost

I'll send you the results of the survey later tonight! One lucky respondent will get a free Naughty Angel book!

The Doctor is In!

62 Percent of You Gave the OK to DoctorDick...if I Still Talk to WineBar

Not surprising. I mean, a girl’s gotta live but she’s also gotta get her head on straight. I was thinking about this, reflecting like I do on Sundays...and also reading.

This new book from Layla & Ana really has me thinking about how lucky I am that WineBar’s a stand up guy. Thank goodness for the HEA! Carter in Boss Me, Bind Me, well, I could never deal with a bossy guy like that, well, maybe with the right 12 inches…Seriously, WineBar’s a stand up guy!

Well, except for the part where I had to get all serious and FaceTime him to get him to talk to me. July 7 is either not getting here fast enough or coming up way too fast. Kinda both because I need to have some relief. Err. Answers.

Doctor Dick…Again

So I Saw DoctorDick Last Night. Again.

It was GOOD.

Seriously, none of the drama of WineBar. None of the OMG does he like me or does he not like me. Just knowing one thing – he wants to stick his fat cock inside of me and boom. It's simple not having to think about anything – just mindless pointless animal sex.

And I mean, let me tell you about this animal sex. It’s like every which way and direction. It’s like I’m shucking myself on a tree trunk. The noises coming out of my mouth, the words spewing out of my mouth – it’s like filthy times three! I dunno if a part of it is me sitting in my parents house and needs to get extra dirty or something but I’ve never done some of the things I’m doing with this guy – and I’ve like done a lot. Like a LOT. But like the shit that we’re doing, is like outta 12 Inches or something ya know?

Anyways, I’m sore. And 24 Inches is almost done. I’m gonna finish that up and also do some reading.


Definitely Not Getting Any New WineBar Fans

And I started a fresh week with some eye-opening emails and trying to have this like whole new outlook about things. We're not playing old-fashioned here but sometimes it is nice for a man to take charge.

Just not sure that in charge means waiting on him. Ya know that's not Alexis style. I agree!!

Because we can enjoy a good filthy alpha male ready to take a book. Cuz we know our romances will get us that HEA.

For us in reality?


ll, we gotta make sure we're not collecting the shirts...check out these emails I got from some of you and let me know if you agree!

Hey Alexis!

NO HO!!! No how, no way!!! Winebar doesn't know how you feel (cuz the damn man wont pick up his damn phone and text a girl!) DAMN IT!!! Enjoy DoctorDick while you're there.

<3 -- Toni

Toni's feels that freedom, so here's one for my female independence. Wooo!!

Here's a long ride toward going after Today and not Yesterday's messes...have a read!

Okay, let's face it, Alexis, this isn't the 1950's where you sit at home flipping through the latest copy of Ladies Home Journal or Redbook collecting recipes and learning about how to keep your man, while you wait for your man to make up his mind what the hell he wants to do! I'm of the mindset right now to say Fuck Winebar and enjoy the good Doctor. If the other can't even pick up the damn phone and send one damn text, you get your pretty little ass out there and enjoy yourself. Don't sit around and wait for no man. I did that one too many times, been there, done that, have the tee shirt, want to give it back!!!! Call the Doctor, down a few Cosmos, or whatever is your pleasure and get busy. Marie

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024