Blood Bound - Page 58

“Can’t say I can complain either,” Finn laughs. The young chief has been the face of this city’s rebuild, while Ronan’s been the architect behind the scenes. It’s worked out well for everyone involved. “We’re still on for tonight?”

“Duh,” Ronan and I blurt out at the exact same time. The three of us share a laugh as Ronan takes Oran from Finn. My baby never looks smaller than when he’s being cradled by his giant father.

“You guys are getting cabin fever, huh?” Finn teases.

“It’d just be nice to hang out with some adults for a few hours,” I say. Ronan and I have been parenting non-stop since Oran came into this world. The only breaks we take are to sleep and work, and we haven’t been doing much of the sleeping part, because there’s too much work to be done!

Ronan’s slowly been buying up property and starting legal businesses all around town to legitimatize our money. Neither of us want anything to do with the underworld anymore, and it’s a good thing, too, because that seedy underbelly is shrinking up quicker than a grape in the sun.

We’re just trying to create a better world for our little boy to grow up in.

Ronan’s been working with the cops to exterminate the last bits of the criminal side of this city, and I’ve been using all of my free time not spent with Oran volunteering at nearby hospitals and founding charitable boards. The two of us are blessed to have enough money and power to make a difference now, and we’ll be damned if we don’t do our best to make the future brighter for everyone.

Still, it hasn’t left us with a lot of time to ourselves.

Sure, we had our fun before my belly got too big to go out anymore but we haven’t had a real ‘adult’ date for about a year and-a-half now. That changes tonight. Finn’s been seeing a girl for a few months and we’re all going out to dinner; Carlos will be there too. We’ve got the nanny staying late to look after Oran, and we’re finally going to have a chance to get wicked drunk and stupid sloppy.

I can’t wait.

I love my little baby boy, and I wouldn’t change being his mama for anything, but Ronan and I are just as attracted to each other as ever, and as wonderfully light as everything has become in our lives, we still need our little time in the dark.

Tonight’s when we get it.

I’m going to let him take me like he did on that first night he walked me home. Who knows how it will go this time—maybe we’ll just end up going to bed early and sleeping in until noon the next day, or maybe we’ll stay up all night on a wild bender and come home to a happy little boy in the morning; maybe we’ll even end up having another baby, I don’t know. All I know for sure is that the rest of my life sure seems exciting, and I can’t wait to see what it holds in store.


Tags: Sasha Leone Crime
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024