Because It's You (Carolina Rebels 2) - Page 16

“Did she tell you anything else?”

I frown with confusion. “What do you mean?”

“I didn’t know if she talked about anything else with you is all. Just be good to her, okay?”

I nod, but all I can think about is how I hope she’s good to me. I can’t say I’ve ever dated a woman with such a heavy past before. I’ve certainly never been as invested this early on either. The good thing is the biggest curveball has already been thrown at me. Knowing what she’s struggling with will help me while I help her.

After practice, I text her. We’re leaving for a game Tuesday and will pretty much be gone for a week. I want to see her before I go. She doesn’t text me back until hours later. I’m sitting in the team’s box, watching the first period happen without me, when she responds.

Elizabeth: What are you planning to have us do?

Me: Dinner with Noah and Meredith for sure. After that, who knows.

During the intermission, she texts me back.

Elizabeth: Well, okay. What time?

Before I can text her an answer, my phone is lighting up with a call from my dad. My entire body tenses. I ignore his call. There will be more to come, I’m sure. I turn my phone to silent and slip it back into my pocket. Fuck, I was so wrapped up in Elizabeth I didn’t even think about the harsher consequence of missing the game tonight.

Even with my phone on silent, it’s as if I can still feel it blowing up with either messages or calls. It’s bound to be one or the other, or both. It seems that no matter how far away I get, how old I get, or how often I ignore him, my old man doesn’t ever leave me alone. Ignoring him is always my number one priority. It’s taken years to even get myself to a point where I felt somewhat comfortable ignoring his calls.

My body is on autopilot for the rest of the night. I couldn’t tell you a damn thing about the game. I don’t bother stopping by the box to see Meredith, even though I told her I would. My truck is my priority. It’s not until I’m home that I pull out my phone to check the damage, but my search is interrupted by a phone call from Elizabeth.

I hesitate before answering. “Hey.”

“What’s wrong?”

My muscles lock up even more. “What makes you think something’s wrong?” I drop my keys on the end table and lie down on the couch.

“You’ve been like a pest when it comes to me and then, suddenly, you don’t respond with a time for when you’re picking me up. At first, I thought you were probably busy doing whatever it is they make you do when you’re benched, but then enough time had passed for the game to be over and still nothing from you. So, I figured something might be wrong.”

Despite the shit storm brewing in my head, I grin. “You were worried about me.”

All of two seconds pass before she scoffs. “No. Actually, I was hoping I’d come off a little crazy so you’d leave me alone.”

I laugh. “You could be certifiable and I’d still want to date you.”

“Sounds like you’re the one who is certifiable,” she grumbles. “Are you okay?”

“Way better now.”

Elizabeth is silent for a few beats. “So, something was wrong.” Another few quiet seconds. “Was it my fault? Because you missed the game?”

“No,” I interrupt. “It’s not your fault, Elizabeth. How was your day?”

“Just so you know, I see you’re trying to change the subject and I’m allowing it.” She takes a deep breath. “It was okay. I think Sylvia was parked down the street because she was here about five minutes after you left.”

“She didn’t bother you too much, did she?”

“Have you met Sylvia?”

I laugh. “Sorry.”

“She acts as if you’re my new boyfriend. I think she’s been hit more times than you probably have.”

“She only wants to see you happy.”

That, apparently, is the wrong thing to say.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Carolina Rebels Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025