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It's Our Time (Carolina Rebels 3)

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Should I be surprised that I’m a little bummed? How much of that has to do with Sydney instead of Savannah?

“Okay,” I say. “I’ll text you the details for tomorrow.”

She nods and looks back at Savannah. “How do we say goodbye, buttercup? Tell your daddy.”

“Bye, Daddy! I love you!”

My throat is suddenly tight and I’m frozen. All I can do is stare at Sydney. She just called me daddy and she said she loved me. Sydney shrugs. “It’s how we say goodbye.”

Clearing my throat, I turn to Savannah, hoping my voice stays steady. “Bye, Savannah. I love you, too.” Then, I look at Sydney. “Later.” I get out of the car before I can see her reaction. I don’t care what it is.

At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.

I thank the guy who showed me to the room and walk inside. There’s two separate groups of women, it seems, and a handful of kids. One group doesn’t pay us any attention, but there’s a cluster of four women who turn to look. One stands and rushes over.

“Who are you?” She seems excited, but almost accusing, too.

Am I in the wrong room? The guy said this was the right one. My mouth opens, closes, and Savannah is the one who says, “I’m Savannah!”

“It’s nice to meet you, Savannah,” the woman says and the other three now join her. “I’m Sylvia, Scott Boyd’s wife.” She holds out her hand and I shake it.

Another hand appears, this one belonging to a woman with dirty blonde hair. “I’m Elizabeth, Marc Polinski’s girlfriend, but you can call me Lizzy.”

Then, that of a brunette. “I’m Meredith, Noah Ramsey’s fiancée.”

Lastly, I shake hands with the final one. “I’m Theresa, Nathan O’Donnell’s wife.”

“And you are?” Sylvia asks.

“Sydney, and I’m sorry, but I don’t know who any of those men are.” They all said it as if I should.

Their eyes widen and then Sylvia gasps.

“You’re Ian’s woman! Sort of, right? The girlfriend who isn’t really his girlfriend and who didn’t know he played hockey?”

They know about me?

“Sylvia, I think you’re scaring her,” Lizzy says. “Come on. Let’s sit down and watch the game. Savannah can play with my nieces, if you don’t mind.”

That’s when I notice two girls older than Savannah. Savannah immediately wants to get down and play. I reluctantly let her, but I sit so I can keep an eye on her.

“Can you tell us how it happened?” Sylvia asks. “Everything between you and Ian?”

She can’t be serious, can she?

“Ignore her,” Meredith says. “She’s nosy and she likes to know everything about everyone. You don’t have to tell her anything.”

I nod. Good.

Sylvia huffs. “Well, how long have you known Ian?”

“Since I was sixteen.”

“What do you do?” Lizzy asks and I’m thankful for her. I don’t really want to talk about my complicated history with Ian with strangers.

“I’m a waitress, but I’m going to college.” I’ll have my bachelor’s this spring, but then I might start on my master’s.

“That’s great,” Lizzy says.

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