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It's Our Time (Carolina Rebels 3)

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“Babe. We’re getting married Saturday.”

“Yes, and our wedding is so small that we won’t be running around. They’ll pick him up on Friday. We’ll get married Saturday. It’ll be fine.”

It’s still too close for my comfort, but if that dog ends up having to attend my wedding, then so be it. I’ll be marrying Sydney Jarvis Saturday one way or another.

“Daddy, we keep him?”

Meredith is here to pick up Leo and Savannah does not want him to leave. Ian glares at me for a quick second before clearing it off his face as he crouches in front of Savannah.

“No, little Miss. He’s not ours. Leo is Meredith’s dog.”

“But…but he’s cute.” Her eyes begin to water and I can already tell she’s going to be crying about this for a while.

“I know. We were only watching him while Meredith was on a trip, remember? This isn’t his home. Leo wants to go home. Don’t you want him to go home with his family?”

Savannah quickly shakes her head. Ian sighs, asks to hold Leo, and I’m surprised when she hands him over. Ian gives Leo to Meredith and Savannah’s cries begin.

“Come here, little Miss. It’s okay. I’m sure Meredith will let you visit Leo or he can come back for a sleepover again sometime.”

“I wanna keep him,” she sobs into his shoulder.

Poor Meredith looks lost. I pat her shoulder and mouth that it’s okay. I’m going to miss the little guy too. He liked to curl up in my lap and rest his head on my stomach. It was so sweet and cute. He’s so well-behaved. He slept with Savannah every night and she did what she could to “help” me take care of him. Ian bitched about letting him out, but we have a fenced-in backyard. All he did was open the door and stand outside with him. I think he liked the little guy too and just didn’t want to give me any ideas about getting a dog.

Every night he reminded me that if we get a dog, I’ll be the one taking care of it most of the time because once the season starts, he’ll be traveling and working. I reminded him that it wasn’t that different than taking care of Savannah. He didn’t like that comparison, but it’s a bit true. When he’s gone, I’ll be the one here taking care of her.

Savannah is all-out bawling now, mumbling incoherently about the doggie, and my eyes are starting to water. Before I can stop myself or think it through, I blurt out, “Maybe we’ll get our own dog, buttercup.”

Ian’s head snaps over so fast, I’m surprised it doesn’t pop off. “Babe!”

“Really?” Savannah asks, her voice full of hope.

“Maybe.” I nod.

“Babe,” Ian repeats with more force.

Her tears are all dry now and she’s smiling. She waves. “Bye, Leo!” She wanders off to find Z, her seahorse.

“You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” Ian asks with a shake of his head.

Meredith laughs. “I think that’s my cue to go. Thanks so much for taking care of him. Whenever that baby boy comes and you guys need a night to yourselves, call us and we’ll babysit.”

“You can count on that,” Ian says. “Especially if these two con me into getting them a dog.” Meredith thanks us again and Ian helps her carry his things out to her car. When he comes back inside, he glares at me. “What the hell, gorgeous?”

“Ooh, bad word, Daddy!” Savannah chirps from her spot on the other side of the coffee table.

“Sorry, little Miss,” he immediately says.

“It worked, didn’t it? She stopped and I got caught up in the moment. It doesn’t have to happen.”

“I think two kids will be enough on our plate, don’t you?”

I shrug. The dog was so damn cute. Ian sighs and pulls me into his lap.

“Table it for another month at least. You ready to marry me tomorrow?”

“Yes,” I whisper, resting my forehead against his.

“Have you tried your dress on lately?” He rubs my belly with an evil grin.

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