An Unexpected Life (Carolina Rebels 3.50) - Page 21

“Do you trust me?” I interrupt.

“Well, yeah,” she replies with a silent obviously.

“Then, trust me when I say we’re fine.”

She’s quiet for about a minute, no doubt debating whether or not she wants to argue with me while remembering how many times I didn’t push her. She’s probably remembering when I did push her too. “Okay,” she finally says. “But y’all know I’m here for you, right? I mean, you two have done so much for me over the years and I’m always ready to return to favor. I’d do anything for y’all. Just say the word.”

“Thanks, Lizzy. You’ll hear from Sylvia at some point.”

Now, see, if the situation was reversed, Sylvia would ask, “So something did happen?” But all Lizzy says is, “Okay. I

’ll be ready.”

“You doing okay?” I’m tempted to ask her over for dinner, but Sylvia didn’t want Lizzy to pick her up from the doctor’s office and she’s still emotional, so I don’t think it’d be a good idea.

“Yeah, just taking a break from working on a cake. It’s SpongeBob-themed and I’m attempting to make a cake in the shape of a pineapple as well as a medium-size SpongeBob and Patrick. I also tested a new batter mixture and it’s ridiculously good. This is only one order. I still have two to do tomorrow.”

“Are you going to quit the bank?”

“Have you been talking to Marc?” she accuses, almost snapping at me. “I mean, if you two are finally fully getting along, then great, but what the hell? It’s a little creepy, Scott.”

I laugh. “I’m just wondering. I don’t want you overworking yourself.”

“I’m still figuring things out right now, so I don’t know what I’m doing yet. Until I know, I’ll going to do both.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out soon. I’ll let you go, so you can get back to work. If you need anything, you know we’re only a phone call away, too.”

“I know. Thanks, Scott.”

After saying our goodbyes, we hang up. She’s right that Marc and I finally get along. Well, better than we did when it comes to her. After my brother died, I had to look after her. She was pregnant and wasn’t exactly doing it herself. I’ve spent so many years looking after her, taking care of her when she needed me to, that it’s almost as second nature as taking care of Sylvia and my girls. Then Marc came along and got pissed as hell when I’d try to do just that. It’s been an adjustment to force myself to stop and let Marc do it instead. There’s been fewer and fewer instances where I feel the need to step in, though. That’s just a testament to how well Lizzy’s been doing.

“Have you been talking to yourself?” Sylvia asks as she comes into the kitchen.

“Mighta been.”

She smiles. “Almost ready?”

“Not almost; it is.” She starts grabbing plates to fill with food. “I was talking to Lizzy,” I add.

“Oh. What’d you tell her?”

“That everything was fine and you’d call her at some point. How’re you holding up?”

The smile she gives me nearly stops my heart. “Good. Stephanie and Stella were just who I needed.”

I fake a frown. “What about me?”

She laughs. That in combination with her smile tells me we’re going to be okay. She’s over the shock. She has a handle on the fear for now and we’re good. “I meant in addition to you. I always need you.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear.” I give her a soft kiss and then we’re back to focusing on getting the table set for dinner.

I wake to find Scott’s hand on my stomach. I open my eyes just in time to see him press a kiss there and hear him whisper, “I love you.” That’s all it takes to start my tears. He lifts his head and comes up to kiss me. “Don’t worry, I love you too.” That makes me smile. “There we go. That’s what I like to see. How are you feeling?”

“I’m good.” And terrified, but he knows this already.

Scott takes my hand and places it under his on my stomach. “Why didn’t you at least tell me you wanted another child?”

“Because you’d point out all the ways I was being a wimp and tell me to stop being a wuss. And I didn’t know what you’d want to do. Being quiet was easier.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Carolina Rebels Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025