Always (Bold As Love 4) - Page 44

Jake sighs and replies, “At night. I've been having trouble sleeping, so I leave and go to rink.”

I don't like the thought of Jake leaving me in my sleep, but there is a more pressing matter at this time. “Why haven't you woken me up?”

“Sweetness, I'm not going to do that. My technique is working so far. It's fine.” There's a finality in his tone, and I know not to argue further.

For now.

“C'mon, let's go downstairs. Drake wants pizza.”

Jake leads me down the steps and into the living room.

“I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, Emily,” Drake says timidly.

“Not at all, Drake. You could never hurt my feelings.”

He smiles and turns his attention back to the television. Jake grabs his phone and orders pizza once we have taken a seat. No words are spoken as we watch TV and wait on the food. My mind is in shambles. We have so much that is going to happen. We've got to transfer schools, find a place, get Drake situated and so much more. It's truly overwhelming. The doorbell rings and Jake is off to answer the door because the delivery guy is here.

I just don't know how we are going to handle it all. Roy isn't going to be any help because of our decisions. Dad's going to be back here and we're going to be in a new town trying to start anew once more. Doubt creeps in and I wonder how it's all going to work. How will it ever work? Is this what I have in store for my future? Taking care of Drake, moving where Jake is playing, and having to start fresh each time? Am I really prepared for this? I take a deep breath and calm down. One thing at a time, right?

Prepared or not, I've got to deal with it. No. Jake and I will handle any bumps along the way together. I want this to work and that means I'm going to have put forth the effort to make it work. Jake returns from getting the pizza from the delivery guy, sets the box on the table, and pops it open. It's like vultures on a dead body, attacking at once. It's delicious though.

“What's the matter?” Jake asks between bites, giving me a sideways glance.

“Just thinking.”


After dinner, it's late enough that we are all exhausted. It's been a long day and we need to rest. I climb into Jake's bed while he tucks Drake into bed. My eyes are heavy and begin to fall when I hear Jake enter. I listen as he removes his shirt and it falls to the floor, followed by his pants. Then he's in bed, pulling me to him.

“You're worried,” he says quietly, playing with my hair.

“Aren't you?”

“Of course. I know this is going to be a lot on you and I appreciate everything you are doing for me.”

I cut him off. “I'm doing it for us and Drake.”

“Either way, I'm thankful. There's no way I could do this without you.”

I roll over and nuzzle into his neck. I'm not just worried. I'm extremely worried.



For the first time in weeks, I slept through the night. I didn't have to leave and go practice or workout to calm my nerves. Morning is here and I'm the only one awake. Emily's soft hair is intertwined with my fingers and my only thought is how I don't want to think. I've got less than a week before I leave and all I want to focus on is that. Without disturbing Emily, I reach over to my nightstand and grab my phone.

I text Todd, an old hockey friend of mine, to see if he wants to practice with me today. I can't keep running drills by myself. I need some competition to keep that side in shape as well. Todd's reply is almost instant. Of course, he will play. He even goes as far as saying that he'll get some of the guys together for a scrimmage-like game.

“Sweetness,” I say with a slight shake of her shoulder.


“I'm going to play with the guys. Mind keeping Drake?”

“That's fine,” she mumbles and rolls over, away from me.

Out of bed, I go and get ready. Soon, I'm at the rink, meeting with the guys.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Bold As Love Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024