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Always (Bold As Love 4)

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“That's great. How did you two meet?”

“I met her during one of my business trips. My company and another got together for a conference and Cherish was there,” Dad answers, looking at her lovingly. I want to puke. Now I know how Drake feels around me and Jake.

“So sweet. I bet it was love at first sight. I adore love stories like that!” I say with maybe a bit too much enthusiasm.

Our waiter thankfully arrives to take our orders. Unfortunately, he doesn't stay long enough. I turn my attention to the pair of Things and ask what they do for a living. They aren't that bad looking, now that I've taken in their appearance. Anyway, that question jumpstarts the conversation and I can sit back and just input here and there.

Thing 1, who is twenty-five, owns a successful construction company while Thing 2 is a freelance photographer. The talk steers that way until Cherish decides she needs to speak more to me.

“What are you going to school for?”

“I want to be a dentist. It might take me a tad bit longer than normal, though, because with all these transitions coming up, I'm only going to take a few online classes next semester.”

“You're doing what?” This is news to my father and apparently, it's bad news. “I thought you were going to be in Charlotte?”

“No, Daddy,” I again speak with such sweetness. “I'm moving with Jake and I won't be able to transfer to a university because it's too late in the year. I'm going to have to transfer to a community college and take a couple of courses there. I thought I told you.”

That was a lie. I haven't mentioned to Dad about the move to Chicago or school before tonight. He hasn't asked and I haven't offered. Actually, I figured it would be apparent what my plans would be, especially since Drake is involved.

“You didn't say anything, but it's fine.”

Interesting. Usually, Dad would have blown a gasket, but with Cherish around, he's calm. Hmm.

“So you're going to follow, what's his name again?” Cherish asks.


“Right. So you're going to follow Jake to where exactly?”

“Chicago,” I answer, trying to keep my growing annoyance from my voice.

“Oh, okay. It's good that you are going to be there to support him through this exciting time in his life.”

“Of course. There's no other place I rather be.”

Our food arrives and the small talk continues. Cherish dives into my life and asks how long I've been dating Jake. What's he like? What's his little brother's name? Blah, blah, blah. The list goes on and on and I'm just sitting here thinking, “If you know so much about me, then why don't you know about Jake?” Jake is such a huge part of my life and apparently, she knows nothing about him. The waiter takes our plates and asks about dessert. Dad, of course, wants to order something.

“Well, I'd love to stay for dessert, but I've got to get going. It was lovely meeting you all and thanks for supper, Dad. I'll see you tomorrow.”

With that, I get up and leave without a backwards glance. Seventy-five isn't fast enough as I travel the interstate back home. I can't wait to see Jake and tell him about this stunt Dad pull

ed. Why didn't he at least inform me that it wasn't just going to be me and him? Why didn't he just say, “Hey, I want you to meet my girlfriend?” They've been dating five months and I have never even heard of the woman! I wonder if that's why he kept questioning my being home that time. Has she been staying over at the house? Is that why he wanted to know? He didn't want me to come home and run into her? Heaven forbid, what if she was naked?


Thank goodness, Jake got me a key to the house the other day. I unlock the door and come inside, locking it behind me. The lights are off downstairs, so they must be in their rooms. True enough, they were. Only both were in Drake's room, lying on the bed with a head at each end, watching a Fast and Furious movie. Watching is too strong of a word. Both boys were asleep. Seeing them together livens my soul. I wonder what they've been up to today to be knocked out by 8:30.

I creep over to Drake's bed to gently wake Jake, who is on the inside of the bed.

“Love, rise and shine.”

At first, he squints at me and then looks around. Carefully, he gets out of the bed and we walk across the hall to his room. While I rummage through his drawers for something to wear, he runs a hand through his bedhead hair as he walks to his bed and lays down.

“Sorry, Sweetness. I didn't mean to fall asleep before you got here.”

“No worries, love.”

I find my favorite pair of Jake's sweatpants and one of my tank tops. In the bathroom, I change and brush my teeth and hair before climbing into bed with Jake.

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