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Always (Bold As Love 4)

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“Love, you were great tonight!”

“Sweetness, it was amazing. Tonight is just

the beginning. But tell me about your day. How did Drake's lessons go?”

“My day was just like every other day. Helen and I aced our tests.”


“Yes, Helen. I told you about her a couple of weeks ago. She's in most of my classes and has a little girl, remember?”

“Oh, yeah. Gotcha.”

I had a feeling he didn't really recall, but I ignored it and told him about Drake's lessons. “He's doing really well. He's a quick learner.”

“Good to hear. I'll see you around six tomorrow unless you want to meet me for lunch around one.”

“I'd love to.”

“Great. I'll see you there. I love you, Sweetness. Always.”

“I love you too.”

That's been our routine so far. Whenever Jake comes back from away games, we meet at this diner across town that we both love, eat lunch, return to the apartment and have a little time to ourselves. It only works because my last class gets out at one and I meet Jake right after. It gives us plenty of time alone before I have to run Drake on his errands. I tell ya. Life is pretty hectic with me trying to keep up with all of our schedules. Jake is on his own with his and Drake's is pretty much in stone. Mine tries to accommodate them both.

Mostly, it seems like I'm either at school or at the rink with Drake. Sundays are usually the only down time days I have and even then, Drake wants to go to the rink. We've been in Chicago for three months and I'm ready for a vacation.

The school year and the season whirls by. It's been both fun and hard. For one, winter in Chicago is no joke. Jake plays more and more and keeps on scoring. Drake turned ten and we had a party at the rink with Drake's newfound friends from school and hockey lessons. I didn't go home for Christmas. Instead, we spent it here. At home. Dad visited a couple of days before and we went to one of Jake's games. He spent Christmas Eve and Day with his soon-to-be wife.

I haven't heard from Cherish since that night except for a few emails about their wedding this summer. I guess since I'm the groom's daughter that automatically makes me a bridesmaid. Great.

Jake turned twenty in February and all he wanted was to spend the day with us and the night with me. We went to the movies and ate at a fancy restaurant. He had been talking about Hawaii so I booked a trip for the summer as his present. He joked about how I used his money to pay for his present since I never got a job. School and Drake take up too much time.

On Valentine's Day, Jake sent flowers once more and set me up an appointment for a day at the spa. It was so relaxing and worth every penny he spent. I felt guilty though because my gift to him wasn't that great. He didn't care about that though. I know because when I told him, he said, “I'm just happy that I could make you happy.”

The end of the school year is almost here. Playoff season starts in a few days and I have a feeling that the next month is going to be crazy. I have to say, though, I love this life here with my boys, even the crazy times. Following Jake's advice, I've been working on my worrying. I worry less and live happier. I still have my days, don't get me wrong. No one can deny this kind of joy, especially with Jake always smiling.

Jake is playing in the NHL. I'm getting closer to finishing school. We're doing exactly what we want and we're all happy. Lying here, with Jake holding me, I can't help but wonder what is in store for us next.

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