I'm Yours (Bold As Love 2) - Page 11

“Like my head could explode.” Jake’s hands moved up and down my body and a thought hits me. “Did you have plans with the guys today?”


“Good. I wouldn’t want to interrupt your plans.”

“You could never interrupt my plans.”

I climb out of bed and get my favorite picture of Jake and me off the wall. Drake took this when we were opening presents at Christmas. I just opened Jake’s and he leaned in to whisper in my ear that I was the only present he wanted. Drake captured the moment after that when I smiled at him. I hugged the picture to my chest and crawled back in bed.

“I love this picture of us.”

“Me too.”

I let him hold me until I fall asleep.

I feel his warm arms tightly around me and hear his even breathing. I keep my eyes closed to relish this feeling because it probably won’t last much longer. I take in the feel of his chin resting on top of my head and the length of his body against mine. I inhale deeply the way his smells. Underneath the smell of Ralph Lauren’s Polo Blue, was the sweet scent of Jake. I could smell his aftershave and the ivory soap his washes with.

Jake stirs. I look up into his sleepy green eyes and smile. It must be around six in the evening. There was a knock on my door and I called for whomever it was to come in. Conrad walks through the door and I sit up. “I just wanted to say goodbye.”

“You are leaving already,” I ask. He nods and walks over to me. Conrad leans over, kisses my forehead, and leaves. “Keep in touch, okay?” I nodded and then he was gone. I fell backwards on my bed.

“He’s gone,” I whisper.

“I know,” he says into my hair.

“Is it wrong to feel relieved? I was happy to see him, but I’m happy to see him go as well.”

“It’s not wrong.”

We lay in my bed until it’s time for Jake to go pick up Drake.


School goes by slowly. I’m excited when I got some alone time with Emily later at my house. She was straddling me. She takes my face in her hands and gives a small smile. “Stubble,” she comments.

I chuckle as the mood lightens. “I ran out of time this morning,” I tell her.

“I kind of like it,” she says with a tilt of her head.

“Do you?”

“Well, as long as I don’t get whisker burn, yes.”

I laugh. Emily leans forward and gives me a kiss. Through the kiss, she shows me her love. I show her my love and excitement for our future. She is mine and until she didn’t want me, she always would be. Drake ran into my room and Emily quickly slides off of me. He is ecstatic to see Emily. He fills her in on every detail of his life since she last saw him.

After about ten minutes, I send him to do his homework. We lay in silence until I ask a question. “Are you happy, Emily? Like are you happy you’re with me, even though you could have Conrad?”

She props up on her elbows and looks at me. “Of course I am. What is it you told me? If I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t be. And trust me, I want to be right here,” she says wiggling to lay on top of me. I let out a laugh and place a kiss upon her lips. She rolls over to my left, the side by the wall and crawls under the covers. “I love your bed. It’s so much better than mine,” she says.

I get under the covers and pull her to me. “How so?”

She gives me a smile that I love so much. “It smells like you and it’s just more comfy.” To drive her comment home, she brings the sheets to her nose and inhales, letting out an “ahhh.” I chuckle at her and give her a peck on her perfect lips. My door creaks open and I turn to see Drake. “What’s up,” I ask.

“Just wanted to tell you that I’m finished. Can I hang out with you guys,” he asks.

“Of course. Come join the party,” Emily says. Drake doesn’t hesitate. He runs and jumps on the bed. Specifically me.

“Ow!,” I fake pain. Emily and Drake laugh and Drake settles between us on top of the covers. “So, what are we doing,” Drake asks.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Bold As Love Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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