I'm Yours (Bold As Love 2) - Page 18

“Wow. You look absolutely stunning, Emily.” A blush creeps up her neck and I smile. I close the distance between us and take her hands in mine, giving a kiss to each. “I can’t wait to show you off Sweetness. Are you ready to go?”

“I think so. You sure everything looks okay?”

She does a 360 and I say, “I can’t believe you just asked me that. You look fantastic.”

“Okay. Well, let’s go,” she orders. I hold out my arm and she hooks hers around mine. I walk out to my car and open Emily’s door. I walk around and get in my car. We drive the thirty minute drive to the ball. I find a place to park and open the door for Emily. I just can’t get over how luscious she looks. I lead her to the front and up the many steps leading to the Grand Hall. Inside, we absorb the sight before us.

Men and women were all dressed up and mingling about. The building held a tall ceiling with dozens of chandeliers dangling everywhere. Dozens and dozens of tables with crisp white table cloths and flower centerpieces were everywhere. At the front of the room was a stage and a dance floor. It was very upscale. I scanned the room for my uncle. Finally, I spotted him near the famous Sidney Crosby. Emily was going to faint.

“C’mon Sweetness. There’s people you need to meet.” I started to head over to my uncle and suddenly Emily stops.

“Is that…is that Sidney Crosby?”

“Yes, it is. The charity ball is hockey related so a lot of hockey players come out to support.” I started walking again and she kept pace. “Hey Uncle Roy,” I say with a quick hug.

“Jake! It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen you. Is this the lovely Emily?”

“Yes sir.”

Uncle Roy gives Emily a hugs and turns to Sidney. “Sidney, this is my nephew Jake and his girlfriend Emily. Jake plays hockey at his high school and from what I hear, Emily is a huge fan.”

I shake Sidney’s hand as he says hello. He turns to Emily and says, “You look beautiful tonight. Since you are a “huge fan”, would you like to dance?”

“Absolutely,” Emily exclaims. She doesn’t even give me a second glance as Sidney excuses himself and leads my girlfriend to the dance floor where they will dance to slow music. My attention returns to Uncle Roy as he places a hand on my shoulder. “Are you two enjoying the house?”

“Oh yes. We’ve been having a wonderful time.”

“Good. Good. Aunt Diane is around here somewhere with your cousins. Make sure you find them before you two take off.”

“Sure.” My eyes remain on my love. Sidney tells her something and she laughs. As much as I want to go and cut in, I’m going to let her dance with Sidney as long as he’s going to dance with her. I don’t want to take away from her memory of this. “You really love her, huh,” Roy’s voice cuts into my trance.


“I love her more than I could even describe. I would do anything for her…absolutely anything,” I tell him, meaning every word.

The song ends and I excuse myself from Uncle Roy and walk over to Emily, who is receiving a kiss on the cheek from Sidney. “Thank you so much for the dance. I certainly won’t forget it.”

“It was my pleasure,” Sidney replies.

“Hey Sweetness,” I say giving her a kiss on her temple.

“Hey Jake.”

“I’ll see you guys around,” Sidney says before walking away.

“Oh my gosh! Jake! That was so freaking awesome. He’s such a gentlemen,” Emily gushes as I snake an arm around her waist and hold up her hand to my chest to dance to the next slow song.

“Well, he’s too old for you and has a girlfriend,” I say.

“Are you jealous, love?” Emily smirks and I can’t help but chuckle.

“Not at all. I just don’t want you in anyone’s arms but mine.” A smile is returned and we sway to the music. “I love you Sweetness,” I say after a few minutes of silence as we begin another song.

“I love you too, love.” I lean down and place a sweet kiss on her lips.

Her arms snake around my neck and I pull her to me as the kiss deepens. I’ve lost myself in the kiss when I hear a throat clear. I break away to see my uncle standing near us.

“Sorry to break up the make out party. I wanted to cut in,” he says. My temper flares at his interruption, but a glance at Emily calms me down.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Bold As Love Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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