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I'm Yours (Bold As Love 2)

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“I might. What’s the theme this year?”

“Masquerade, I think.”

“Then we’ll need a mask,” she says as we walk into the classroom. We go to our separate seats and excitement flows through my blood. I can’t wait to see Emily in that dress. I had three weeks to wait. Prom would be on the Friday, April 29th. There would be an after party somewhere. It would be great. I pushed the thoughts of prom out of my mind as I focused on class. I would buy our prom tickets after class.

The rest of the week went by just like Monday. Emily and I hung out after school, usually with Drake. The hockey game was Saturday and I wanted to spend some time with Emily before we left, but she had other plans. She was going to head to Wilmington and find a mask to wear. Therefore, I spent the better half of Saturday with Drake and Dad. We had a good time and soon we were off to Raleigh.


I found a silver mask with purple swirling on it for myself. It would cover my eyes and nose. The silver would bring out the beading on my dress. I wasn’t sure what to get Jake, so I figured I would let him find something he liked.

It was about eight at night when I got home. Before I left, I put my dress in my car so Dad would think I bought it while I was out. That way he wouldn’t ask where it came from if I brought it out of my room. I grabbed my things and went inside to show him.

“Wow, that’s a beautiful dress Emily. You’ll look great in it,” he comments as I hold it up for him. I show him the mask and he approves. I go to my room to put my dress and mask away. Suddenly, I have a crazy craving for ice cream. I head to the kitchen and start searching. YES! There is a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey ice cream. I pull it out, grab a spoon, and go into the living room to watch TV.

I can’t help but moan when I take that first spoonful. I love this ice cream. Once, I left at midnight to run up to Wal-Mart and buy some. It was definitely worth it. Castle was on TV and I watched it with my full attention. At the end of the show, I went to dip my spoon in the ice cream only to discover there wasn’t any. Great. I’m a pig who ate a whole pint of ice cream in one sitting. Oh well. It was delicious.

I put away my trash and spoon and tell my dad good night. I dig fresh clothes from my dresser and go take a shower. The hot water pelting down my skin relaxes me. I take a long shower and afterwards feel refreshed. I crawl into bed and turn on my TV. Jake said he would call me once he got home, which could be close to midnight, so I was going to stay awake until then.

Well, that didn’t happen. I woke up and realized I had fallen asleep. I roll over to look at my alarm clock. Nine in the morning. The aroma of bacon, sausage, and more food found my nose. I threw off the covers, instantly feeling hungry and made my way to the kitchen.

“Wow, you really outdid yourself Dad,” I comment as my mouth waters from the food on the table. In addition to what I smelled was eggs, rice and white gravy, and biscuits. I retrieved a glass from the cabinet and poured myself a glass of milk. I sat down at the table with my father and dug in. It was delicious. “Thanks Dad,” I say as I put our plates away.

“I’ll get it. Call Jake. He’s been calling all morning.” I give my dad a kiss on the cheek and head to my room. I grab my cell and call Jake.

“Hey Sweetness,” he answers.

“Hey. How was the game? Sorry I fell asleep.”

“It’s okay. It actually went pretty well.”

“That’s great love!”

“Yeah. So you want to come over?”

“I’ll be there in a few,” I reply. I hang up and go take a shower. Squeaky clean, I find a pair of Capri’s and a light sweater to go with. “I’m heading to Jake’s,” I holler over my shoulder to my dad.

“Don’t stay out too late,” he calls back. I open the door to the garage and quickly make my way to Jake’s.

I rap on the door twice and a few moments later, Jake opens the door with a smile on his face. He pulls me to him and gives me a sweet kiss. “I love you,” he says, pushing a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

“I love you,” I reply.

He tugs me inside and before I can ask he answers my unspoken question. “They went out for another father-son day.” He leads me up to his room and wastes no time getting me in the mood.

I snuggle up to Jake under the covers. “What’s going on in that head of yours,” he asks twirling his index finger on my bare shoulder.

“Nothing much. Just thinking about all that’s happened since I met you last August,” I reply tracing his stomach.

“A lot has happened.”

“Seems we just attract trouble” I comment quietly.

“Maybe so. But think of all the good times. If we do attract trouble, we also attract happiness.”

I cuddle closer to him and close my eyes. “Not going to fall asleep on me, are you Sweetness,” Jake asks reading my mind.

“No,” I say with a yawn. He chuckles and soon I’m fast asleep.

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