Back to Me (Carolina Rebels 1) - Page 22

“How’s it going?” she asks, eyeing them as they hit balls from the ball feeder.

“Good. Um,” I hesitate, wondering if it would be a good idea.

“What is it?”

“Kira. Is she new to playing?”

Gail nods. “Yes. She had no prior experience. Tennis isn’t a money-earner around here, so we don’t make cuts like football might. Plus, the girl does try her best. She’s one of the few who doesn’t get a chance to play until our opponent has the same number of players or unless someone is injured.”

That sounds terrible. She’s part of the team, but not really? “Could I take her to the free court and work with her?” I ask.


I grab a basket of balls and call out, “Kira! Come with me.”

Poor girl looks like she just got called to the principal’s office. She runs over and then follows me to the last court, away from most of the girls. She seems nervous and fidgety. I place the basket stand down and turn to face her. “Can you do a practice swing for me?”

“Um, sure.”

There’s a lot wrong. I correct her grip, show her the proper stance, and give her a brief glance as I take her racket to show her the proper swing. “Focus on my feet, my hips, and then the actual swing, okay?” After I do it a few times, slowly to not aggravate my shoulder, I hand it back for her to try.

“What made you want to play?” I ask, watching her swings carefully. Something isn’t adding up.

“I promised my mom I would step out of my comfort zone,” she admits. “I’m, um, not exactly a social butterfly. I’m not good, but I really like it.” She stops and looks serious for a moment. “I’m sorry about the dumb question earlier. I’ve always watched tennis and I didn’t even think about your injury.”

“It’s okay. It wasn’t a dumb question either. I haven’t retired yet, and rallying is different than an intense game, so it makes sense that you may wonder if I could do that. Maybe we’ll be able to rally some soon. Anyway,” I take a deep breath to stop thinking about my injury. “I think you’re brave for trying this. How does it feel when you swing?”


“Are you right-handed?” She nods. “Try with your left. I knew a girl who had a dominant right hand in everything except tennis.”

Her struggling swing immediately improves. She was using the wrong hand! I correct her grip and then have her do it a few more times.

“Wow. It feels more natural,” Kira admits.

I grin. “Good. Let’s test it out. I’ll toss a ball. Let it bounce and then go for it.”

I quietly enter the house, half-worried since Meredith never texted me about her day and half-excited because she should be naked in my bed right now. All I’ve been thinking about since getting on the plane to come home is the different possible ways I can wake her up. It’s about two in the morning and sleep isn’t my number one priority. I can sleep in a little tomorrow if I want.

The door to my bedroom is open. I avoid looking at the bed until I set my duffel bag down first. Meredith is indeed naked. She’s lying on her back, one arm above her head and one hand on her breast, the covers sitting just below them. I grin. For some reason, Meredith grabs a boob in her sleep. I teased her about it a lot when we were younger and I’d sneak over to sleep at her house. I’d wake up and she would have her hand cupping one of them. It’s good to know she still does it.

My mind only has one track. I lean over the bed, over her breasts, and know how I’ll wake her. My head dips and I graze my teeth over the nipple of the breast she isn’t holding hostage before pinching it between my teeth. She shifts, but doesn’t wake up. I swirl my tongue around it as the arm above her head slides down toward me. I suck hard, releasing her breast with a pop, and then bite her nipple just a tad harder.

That wakes her up.

Her hands dive into my hair and she tugs to lift my head. “Noah?” God, her sleepy voice is enough to get me hard all on its own. Add a hooded gaze with lazy blinks as her fingers run through my hair and I’m ready to pounce.

“Are you expecting someone else?” I arch an eyebrow at her.

She shakes her head and then her eyes scan my body. “You’re wearing a suit? Stand up.”

I stand upright and she drinks me in.

“I’ve never seen you in a suit that actually fits you. Wow.” She covers a yawn with her hand before moving onto her knees. “I’ll help you undress.” She reaches for my tie first.

“You never texted me about your day,” I remind her, trailing my fingers over her stomach.

A smile lights her face, which is a fantastic sign. Unfortunately, she forgets all about undressing me as she sits on the bed, pulling the covers up, which leaves me to undress myself. “It was crazy. Erica wasn’t all that nice to me, but Gail said she’ll come around. The best part was working with this girl, Kira. It’s her first year playing and,” Meredith hesitates before adding, “she’s not good.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Carolina Rebels Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024