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Off the Ice (Penalty Kill 2)

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My classes sucked. My lunch sucked, and everything in between sucked. I’m not looking forward to tonight. Marley is here, and we’re getting ready. I pick out a lavender, flowing, thigh high dress. I know it’s a little short for Mom’s taste, but that is my rebellion. I slip on matching colored high heels and slip back into the bathroom to touch up my makeup. I decide to put my hair up in a high bun. Levi loves my neck.

“So, do you know why your parents wanted me to come?” Marley’s in a black A-line mini dress and it has a black chiffon overlay. She’s wearing the brightest pink shoes with flawless makeup and hair.

“They feel you’re part of the family. Welcome,” I say sarcastically. Marley laughs then gets a serious look.

“Um, not that you don’t look hot, but are you going to cover that?” She points to my shoulder, and I look into the mirror to see a faded bite mark on my shoulder.

“It’s not that bad. If they ask, I’ll tell them I was attacked by an animal.”

Marley scoffs. “An animal named Levi.” I can’t help but blush.

“Girls, are you ready yet?” Trevor shouts as he opens the door.

“Don’t rush perfection, jerk,” Marley shouts back, and I hear Trevor laugh.

“Are you done?” I ask her after I finish my touch ups and she nods. We grab our purses and coats off the bed and head towards the boys.

“Holy shit.” Trevor’s jaw drops as he looks at us.

“You’re drooling there, buddy.” Levi pats his shoulder, and Trevor shoots him a dirty look. Marley and I just giggle at the boys.

“Smarty,” Levi whispers in my ear as he helps with my coat. “You’re stunning.” I look up at him as he kisses my lips gently.

“Don’t look too bad yourself, Captain Carr.” I bite my lip as I tease him back. He’s in a black suit, with a dark green shirt and matching tie.

As we climb into Levi’s SUV, the brisk air and snow is proof that the dead of winter is upon us. The ride to the restaurant is filled with small conversation. None of us really know what to expect as we pull up at six o’clock. Levi valets the vehicle and the four of us walk in.

I spot my parents laughing in a corner table. Laughing? That’s not right.

“Oh, there’s my son.” My dad stands and gives Trevor a big hug as Levi helps Marley and me with our coats. “Levi, it’s so great to see you again.” I just stand next Levi as they shake hands.

“Great to see you, sir,” Levi says.

“Presley, Marley, you both look lovely.” That’s it? No hug, no handshake, nothing. I should be used to it by now. So I just politely smile and nod as Levi pulls my chair out.

“Presley,” my mother whispers next to me. “Don’t you think that dress is a bit short?”

I bite my tongue as I look at her. “Everything is covered, Mother.”

My mother gives me a tight smile, and I know that there is going to be hell to pay for that comment. The waiter comes, and my father orders two bottles of red wine. I’m secretly hoping that one is just for me, so I can make it through this. I should’ve drank before I came. I’ll make a mental note to do that next time.

Of course, my father begins to talk to Trevor and Levi about their off season activities. I sit quietly. My mother pinches me under the table, and I know that means to sit up straight. She has done that to me since I was a child. I do and keep biting my tongue. Thank the stars that wine comes, and I almost chug my glass down. Levi starts rubbing my hand that is sitting on the table. I look at him and smile. He really does make me sane.

My mother starts a conversation with Marley. I still sit quietly.

“Dad, did you hear that Presley has applied for several internships in the city?” My twin brother, I love him. Just like always, he tries to pull me into the conversation. But, like usual, I’m ignored.

“Did you get ahold of that trainer I emailed you about?” Dad asks Trevor. “Levi, you should look into him too.”

“I’m good with my routine right now. Thank you, Mr. McCarthy. Besides, trainers are expensive and that’s something I can’t afford right now.”

“We should be discussing the money for your internship with Lab Corp.” My father grins at Levi. Lab Corp is a lab that creates new medications, something that Levi is passionate about. My father helped him get a summer internship. It is only for a month though, because Levi will have hockey events the other part of the summer.

“I’m very grateful for that. Thank you again.”

I keep drinking as everyone talks. I can feel the alcohol coursing through my veins. Maybe with one more bottle, I might be able to tolerate tonight. It is now that Marley tries to talk to me, but my mother keeps interrupting her.

I simply sit there.

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