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Off the Ice (Penalty Kill 2)

Page 43

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“I’m just curious. I figured you were still a virgin.”

Marley snorts at my mom’s comment.

“Hey,” I poke her. “I’m not a slut.”

“Oh, no. I didn’t mean that. I was just a shocked that was all. I mean, I know Trevor is a bit wild, but now he only has eyes for Marley. I’m just curious.” Mom is still staring me down.

“Talk about their sex life, not mine.” I point at Marley hoping that takes the heat off me.

“I’ll gladly share anything you want.” Marley sits up straighter ready to answer anything about her sex life. I wish she wasn’t so eager to talk about her sex life.

“Please, can we change the topic?” I beg with my head in my hands.

“Fine, but are you both being careful? I’m still too young to be a grandmother.”

I moan in protest and say a silent prayer that a hole will open up and swallow me.

“I know we are. Presley?” Marley turns to me with a small smile on her face. She’s taking a lot of enjoyment at my misery.

“If I answer this, may we please change the subject?”

Mom nods.

“Yes, we’re being very safe.”

“Good. Good.” Mom goes back to eating her salad. After a few moments of silence, we discuss school and our futures. Mom is pleased that I have a lot of my life already planned out.

We continue shopping until our feet hurt. After we pack up my car full of the goodies, I drive Marley back to her apartment. I help her unload and then head to my place. I finally make it upstairs with all my bags and into the apartment. I’m actually out of breath when I drop everything in on the middle of the floor in my living room.

I text Levi, but he doesn’t respond right away. Trevor and he have been working out a lot lately, and I will just let him enjoy ‘guy’ time. After I finally put all my clothes away, I decide that I need to get some studying done. We will be leaving for Pittsburgh in a couple of weeks, and I want to be sure that I’m caught up. Because a couple of weeks after that, will be spring break and I don’t want to think about anything, except Levi and the beach.

I’m deep in thought when I realize my phone is ringing. I see the display and Levi’s smiling face staring at me.

“Were you sleeping?” He asks when I answer.

“No, just studying.” I sigh.

“How was your day?”

I begin to tell him all about my day with Mom and

Marley. I leave out the sex talk, because I’m embarrassed enough. “Are you coming over, Levi?”

“Oh, Smarty, not tonight. I’m sorry. I have a big lab project due and I need to get back on the workout schedule.”

“I thought I was your workout schedule?” I pout.

Levi laughs. “Well, it does help. But I do need to get back at it. Oh hey, I did find something out today.”


“The scout from the Penguins contacted me. I told them I would be there with my family and they invited all three of us to their practice.”

“What?” I shout loudly in the phone.

“Calm down. It’s just practice.”

“Will you be with them?”

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