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So after a quick stop at a nearby store, we find ourselves nestled together on his couch, eating ice cream and me drinking hot chocolate.

“Did you enjoy the game?” he asks.

“Probably not as much as you did, but yes. I’m surprised you don’t have at least a T-shirt or a jersey.”

Brent shrugs. “I just watch it on TV every so often. I might actually have to go to more games, though. That was a lot of fun. Gregory would probably enjoy it, too.”

“That’s a good idea. I’d go with you again if you ever wanted or needed someone, too.” My phone interrupts his response with a loud ringing from my bag at the other end of the couch, where I dropped it when we came in. “Sorry.” He takes my ice cream carton while I stretch out and lean over to grab it. The groan at the sight of my mother’s name is involuntary. I send her to voicemail and change my ringer to silent.

“You want to talk about whatever that was? I think you need to. Actually, I’m holding your ice cream hostage until you do.” He twists and sets both cartons on the end table next to him. “Talk to me, Jamie.”

“Brent,” I whine. “It’s not that important.”

He studies me for a moment. “I think you’re lying, but I’ll allow it for now.” His tone worries me because it really sounds like he’s promising to bring it up again, as if he refuses to let me get away with not telling him about this.

“Are you finished with your ice cream?” I don’t want more now. When Brent nods, I stand to put away what’s left of our ice cream and drop our spoons into his dishwasher. I take a deep breath to collect myself and get my emotions back in check.

Arms trap me in, one on each side with hands resting against the counter. “Did I upset you? I didn’t mean to.” He lifts one hand to brush my hair away from my neck and places a sweet kiss just below my ear.

“I’m not upset.” Which is true. And that little kiss has me all distracted now. “Kiss me again,” I whisper.

Brent doesn’t say anything. He simply leads a trail of kisses from my neck down to my shoulder. Any tension and stress I had melts away. It takes only two more seconds before he turns me around and his mouth meets mine. Kissing him is pure heaven, especially when his arms wrap around me to hold me tight. This time, however, the passion seems to double with every second his lips are on my lips and with every swipe of his tongue against mine.

Brent turns me again and walks, causing me to stumble and walk backward. When I bump into the banister and grunt in pain, he stops everything.

“Do you want to go upstairs?”

His chest brushes against mine with his every breath because while he stopped, he didn’t separate from me at all.


“Are you sure?”

“I didn’t hesitate, Brent.”

He nods, turns me once more, and walks me up the stairs with his hands on my waist.

“Wait, are you sure?” Maybe he’s asking me if I’m sure because he was hesitating. I try to look at him over my shoulder, but it’s a scary thing to do while walking up the stairs.

His fingers rap along my ribs. “Keep walking, hon.”

I grin. “Yes, boss.”

In his room, he takes my hand as I face him. Brent kisses me long and hard and then his fingertips barely slip beneath my sweater. I’ve never been more excited and ready for anything in my life.

“If I ask you a question, promise not to laugh?” I turn my head to look at Brent.

He smiles. “No promises.”

“You are... We are...” What words could accurately describe what happened a little while ago? “That was...” I have no clue. Brent chuckles. “It’s never been like that. Are you magical? Or is it your experience or your age?” He does in fact laugh at me. “I mean, our chemistry is good, but...” Wow. Sex with him is why people use words like magical and fireworks and toe curling and off the charts amazing. The first time was like a hot, getting to know you type sex with a few awkward fumbles. The second time? My mind can’t comprehend how it can be that good.

“Don’t overthink it, hon.”

I smile and turn my head, though the ceiling is now my view.

“You’ll stay the night, right?” he asks.

“And miss out on more of this?” I motion between our naked bodies. “Don’t be silly. I should really thank Erin for her foresight to pack me a bag,” I finish in an afterthought to myself.

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