Defend - Page 44

“No one is like Jamie, son.”

“Well, I’ll text you tonight and if it’s terrible you can show everyone my message and bail. I’ll put ‘This is not a drill’ and you’ll know that I’m lying.”

I laugh. “I’m not bailing unless Jamie wants to.”

He shrugs and leaves it at that, thankfully. We continue working until it’s time to head home. Once I’m home, I shower and stare at my closet. I have no idea what we’re doing and who knows if I’ll be dressed appropriately. Might as well keep it simple, right? Jeans and a T-shirt it is. After that, I have nothing to do but wait and wait until Jamie knocks at my door.

When I swing open the door, I find Jamie, but I also see a car I don’t recognize in my driveway with a man in the driver’s seat and the friend I remember seeing her with in the passenger seat.

“I thought you were coming and we were meeting them there?” I ask as I take her bag and turn around to set it on the couch.

“That’s what I wanted, but the guy, Matt, was so insistent that I couldn’t get out of it.”

“Well, that’s fine. Are you ready?”

“Not quite.” She steps forward and kisses me. “Now we can go.”

We step out, I lock up, and then we’re sliding into the backseat of Matt’s car. Introductions are made as he backs out and onto the road. I don’t know what this night holds, but I hope it goes well.

Our first stop is for something to eat. Matt takes us to a small diner that college students frequent. Brent is easily the oldest customer. We sit in a booth and so far, Matt has been very affectionate toward Erin. I don’t see any red flags as of yet. He seems very nice with manners and like I said, his hands or lips are always on her.

“So, what do you do?” Matt asks Brent.

“I’m a mechanic.”

It’s like a spell is cast over men any time Brent’s around. He tells them what he does, or mentions it in any way, and then all they talk about is cars. Apparently, there’s something wrong with Matt’s and based on what he says, Brent gives him some ideas on what it could be. Before I know it, Matt is scheduled to come in next week to see Brent to get his car checked out.

“Are you boys done talking about cars?” Erin asks, making sure she sounds bored.

“Sorry, baby,” Matt apologizes, leaning over to kiss her cheek.

Dinner is pretty smooth. Matt never directly or indirectly mentions the age difference between Brent and me. He learns more about me since I’m Erin’s best friend, talks about the dates they’ve been on so far, and even insists against Brent’s objections to buy everyone’s meals. And then, we’re on to our next destination. Matt is the only one who knows where we’re going. I tried to ask Erin so both Brent and I could be prepared, but Matt once again insisted on doing things his way and he wanted to keep it a surprise.

We pull in to a roller skating rink and I glance over at Brent for his reaction. He wears a small smile as he looks over the building for a brief moment before getting out and coming over to open my door for me. His lips brush my ear.

“Do you know how long it’s been since I went roller skating?” He chuckles. “High school,” he answers himself.

“Let’s hope you remember how. I don’t want you falling down and bringing me with you,” I tease.

“Wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing,” he says, taking my hand.

We follow Matt and Erin into the building, pay to enter, and rent some skates. But of course, Erin decides now is the perfect time for us girls to take a bathroom break.

“Well?” she asks the moment we’re far enough away from the guys.

“I think he’s great,” I tell her. “He seems to really like you. Maybe you’re looking for something wrong because he is so great.”

“Maybe,” she agrees.

By the time we return, the guys have their skates on. It doesn’t take long for us to follow suit and soon, we’re skating around. Music flows heavily from speakers all throughout the building.

“Did you give her your approval?” Brent asks me.

“I did. Wouldn’t you?”

“Based on this, yeah.”

“Are you having a good time?” I ask.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024