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There’s a knock on the other side of the door and then, “Jamie?”

“Brent, I want to go running,” I declare.

He laughs. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah.” I cover my breasts, my legs already bent at the knee, and frown as he walks in.

“Well, you look happy. Not a fan of baths?”

“No! I’m just sitting here, thinking about everything I could possibly think of over and over. And I feel like a kid, except with more water. I don’t understand why people like these.”

“Maybe you need toys.” I glare at him, causing him to laugh. “Or bubbles. Maybe something to make it smell good. Or you just need a jacuzzi.”

I sigh and close my eyes. “A jacuzzi would be better.”

Brent’s fingers trail over one of my legs and goosebumps pop up and spread everywhere. My eyes open to watch him. “How are you feeling?” he asks softly. “Need to talk? To me? Or maybe to Erin?”

“I’m okay. Emotionally exhausted, but fine. I feel like Mother would’ve called me by now, but she hasn’t. I’m a little worried. Maybe I should go back to campus and actually do some schoolwork.” I lean forward to let the water drain.

“Why would you go back to campus?” Brent asks.

My mind whirls with every possible reason and I spew them out. “Well, I’ve taken so much of your time away from Gregory and I really do have schoolwork to do. Plus, I’ll have to work tomorrow. And—”

“Jamie.” His thumb comes under my chin and lifts my head, making me realize I wasn’t looking at him. “Do you want to stay and go back to campus in the morning?”

“Yeah, but—”

“But nothing.” Brent hands me the towel I set out for myself and he leans forward to kiss my forehead. “Get dressed and we’ll go for a run. My kind of run, not yours.”

“Really?” I ask, already feeling a bit better just thinking about it.

“Yeah, and the next time I try to prevent you from doing something that helps you relieve stress, remind me of this moment.” He gives me a little smile before leaving me alone. Soon enough, I have my running clothes on and only need to slip on my tennis shoes. Brent seems to be downstairs already, so I hurry up to meet him. “Let’s go!” I say, running in place the moment I see him.

Brent tells Gregory we will be back after a while, and then out the door we go! Energy bubbles up inside me. Adrenaline flows through my veins. But the moment we hit the sidewalk and begin that steady pace Brent likes, my mind settles enough to streamline my thinking instead of that jumbled mess I had while in the bath.

Maybe it’s good that my mother hasn’t called. I don’t want to talk to her. I’m tired of defending myself and my decisions. I’m tired of them not listening to me. My life feels like one big mess because of them. You know, I think I’m tired of everyone except Brent. He’s the only one who doesn’t make me defend anything I’ve done. He’s easily the most supportive.

My mind quietens for a little bit. Only my heartbeat, the sound of my hair swishing back and forth, and our footsteps filling my mind. Until I start thinking again.

Going back to campus tomorrow will suck. I

’m tired of that too. It’s going to be worse since I’ve let my schoolwork pile up so I can work and spend time with Brent. After I work tomorrow, the rest of my time will be spent meeting my deadlines and dying a slow death.

“I think I’m going to drop out of school,” I blurt out the thought as soon as it hits me. We’ve reached our turning around point and Brent has stopped to stare at me.


“I want to drop out. The only reason I’m there is because my parents insisted I go and I’m tired of doing what they want. I don’t want to go anymore.”

Brent steps closer to me and rests his hands on my shoulders. “Hear me out before you hate me for what I’m going to say.” My walls rise and I frown. “Don’t drop out.” I yank out of his hold. I can’t believe he’d say that! “I said hear me out,” he reminds me. “This is your last semester, Jamie. It’s crazy for you to drop out when you’re so close to being done! And you never know if you might change your mind and use it. If you want to, I’ll support you, but honey, you’re just over a month away from being completely done.”

My shoulders sag and I sigh. “Why did you have to burst my bubble with reality?” He’s right, of course. I had a moment of being fed up and didn’t think about what I was saying.

He smiles as he pulls me into his arms. “You would’ve gotten there eventually.” He releases me and we run again.

My thoughts turn to our upcoming trip. I’m more certain than ever it’s a disaster waiting to happen. Kayla normally makes some type of comment at least once when she’s around. We’re going to be stuck on a ship for a week. Granted, it’s a large ship and I doubt we’ll be around one another the entire time, but it’ll be enough that there will be plenty of opportunities for it to be a miserable trip. What kind of birthday is that for Brent?

“Maybe I shouldn’t go on the cruise,” I say quietly.

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