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“But then I’ll be doing the walk of shame in the morning because I’ll be wearing the same clothes.”

I laugh. “There will be no shame. But if you want to go to campus and sleep in a cramped dorm room instead of in my comfy bed with me, that’s your choice. Just give me a kiss and we’ll be on our separate but

merry ways.”

“No kiss.” What is she talking about? I’m about to object, but she says, “I will not be the girlfriend to disappoint her boyfriend tonight. I’ll come home with you.”

That’s exactly what I like to hear.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Shannon asks.

“Positive. You’re officially in good hands with Glenn and I don’t need to attend the wedding, especially when the only one who would be okay with Jamie there is Gregory. Go, get married, and finally live the happy life you’ve always wanted,” and I say that completely sincerely. As much as the woman has been a pain in my ass since the divorce, I wish her all the best.

“Thanks, Brent. But you and Jamie are welcome.”

“That’s okay, Shannon. We’ve already made other plans.” We haven’t actually, but now that I’m free and clear from going to the wedding, I don’t want to get sucked into going again. I wrap up the conversation with Shannon, just in time for Kayla to walk into my office with lunch for us both.

“You haven’t eaten, have you?” she asks.

“No. Thanks.” I pick up my burger while she takes a seat. “How is everything?”

“Good. I’m still doing well in school, still working, and I still get along with and love Logan. In fact, we have a date tonight.” Kayla shrugs. “It’s a double date with Carey and her boyfriend, but whatever.”

I smile. “Look at my little girl. She goes from being annoyed and jealous by her boyfriend’s best friend to going on double dates with her.”

“I know. I’ve made major progress,” she says with a roll of her eyes. “You don’t look like you’re working yourself to death. You almost look well-rested.”

“Because like I told you and everyone else, I’m not a workaholic and I can cut back if I want to, which I have.”

“About time. I’ve only been begging you for forever.”

For two seconds I debate if I should say what I want to say, but then I decide to hell with it. “You have Jamie to partially thank for it.”

Kayla groans. “Let’s not talk about her.”

“I think you need to come have dinner or something with us.”

“Like how you secretly got me to have breakfast with y’all?” she asks with a bit of a snap in her tone.

“You have to get to know her at one point or another, Kayla.” I lean back in my chair, not particularly interested in my food right now, and rest my hands over my stomach.

“Why? She’ll probably disappear after the cruise.”

My jaw clenches. When did my daughter become so hard-headed and stubborn? “She won’t be going anywhere, Kayla, and you might as well start acting like the daughter your mother and I raised. I want you on your best behavior, especially on the cruise. I’ve been patient and I’ve held in my anger, but enough is enough. I’m tired of defending my decisions and defending Jamie to you when you haven’t even tried to give her or us a chance. I will not tolerate it any longer. Understand?”

“But Daddy—”

“Don’t Daddy me. It won’t work. Not this time. Find a way to get over it, Kayla.”

She stares down at her lap for the longest time. I resume eating, and so does she, but not another word is spoken until she stands to leave. Kayla walks behind my desk. I stand and give her a hug.

“I love you,” I tell her.

“I love you too,” she whispers.

If I can get her to accept Jamie, then life will be a little brighter. I need Kayla to do her part because I’ve done all I can do.

“I hope you’re happy.”

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