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Jamie looks at me with wide eyes. “I don’t want to know what to do in an emergency because just the thought of something going wrong is freaking me out.”

I don’t get a chance to reassure her before Gregory decides to torture her. “We could all get sick. The ship could crash into something and sink. We could tip over. We could run out of fuel and starve before anyone brings us more. Something could go wrong with all the toilets.”

“Gregory!” She playfully slaps his arm. “Here I thought we were friends.”

He smiles. “That’s how I treat my friends.”

“Why don’t we check out our rooms and see if our bags have been dropped off yet?” I suggest.

Everyone agrees, so we navigate through the ship until we find our rooms. The rooms are right next to one another and both have balconies. Our room has one bed while the other has two twins, plus a twin that comes down from the ceiling over one of the beds. But for now, Jamie and I are in our room.

Jamie flops backward on the bed with her arms out wide. “Did you see that shower? How am I supposed to shave my legs in there?”

I laugh. “Get creative.” I don’t think it’s that small, but it’s definitely not roomy. “What do you think so far?” I ask, lying down next to her.

“I still think I’ll get lost because I have no clue how we got here.”

“It’ll get easier as we move around some more.”

There’s an annoying rapping on our glass sliding doors. We both turn to look and see Gregory out on our balcony.

“How’d the hell did he get there?” Jamie asks as I stand.

“There’s a divider between the balconies; he probably opened it.” I slide the door open. “You miss me already?”

“No, I missed Jamie,” he says while pushing me aside to come into our room. “Kayla’s getting on my nerves already.” Gregory sits down on the bed next to Jamie. “Can I check out the teen center?”

“Yeah, just be back early enough for us to get a head start on walking to our muster station for the drills.”

“Yes, sir. See y’all later.” He leaves through our room.

“Want to check out our view?” I ask.

Jamie gets up and we step outside. She peers over the edge and hums. “We can spy on people below us. Do people do kinky things on cruise ships?”

“Let’s hope we don’t find out,” Kayla says as she and Logan step out of their room. “Where’s Gregory?”

“He went exploring,” I say. “Are you two going to be able to room with him?” He never did say why Kayla was annoying him; maybe she can tell me what happened.

“It’s not like we have a choice now. He just needs to make sur

e he’s not a snob.”

“Pooks, he wants to live out of his suitcase for a week, let him,” Logan tells her. “At least he got his clothes for formal nights out.”

And there it is. Kayla probably wanted him to unpack more of his clothes and Gregory didn’t want to. I think they had this same argument the last time we went on a cruise.

“Well, you have one week to be the perfect siblings. It’s my birthday, so get along.”

Kayla narrows her eyes at me. “How many times are you going to use that against us?”

“Until we get back home.” My birthday isn’t until tomorrow, but that gives me a lot of extra days to use it against them.

She rolls her eyes. “We’re going to do the scavenger hunt. Do y’all want to go with us?”

“Do you want to explore some more?” I ask Jamie.

“If you want to. Our luggage might be here by the time we get back.”

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