Defend - Page 65

After dinner, Gregory goes to the top deck to watch a movie and the rest of us see a show with singers, dancers, and a comedian, who was hilarious. While it seems early, I’m actually tired and there’s nothing else Brent and I really want to do or see, so we separate from Kayla and Logan to return to our room.

“How was your first day?” Brent asks me once we find the elevator and step inside.

“Crazy, but good. You know your daughter more than I do; is she up to something or is she genuine? I’m not sure I trust her turnaround. Sorry, but it’s weird.” I give him my best apologetic smile and hope he understands where I’m coming from.

“I believe she’s genuinely trying to get over her issues. For all of our sakes, be open to it, hon.”

The elevator doors open and we step out with Brent leading the way. He doesn’t see me slightly bristling at his comment. I’ve never stood in Kayla’s way; why would I start now? Even when I wasn’t exactly nice to her, that was only in response to how she treated me. Brent should know that I’m not going to be the one to screw this up.

Once in our room, I use the restroom and change into my pajamas. I go out onto the balcony while Brent does the same. Though dark, I can see the water within a short distance. Most importantly, I can hear it. It’s pretty choppy.

“I’ve put a do not disturb sign on the door and here’s our other sign,” Brent says as he slides the divider closed between our room and theirs and locks it. “Are you doing okay? No motion sickness? The water isn’t as calm as other cruises we’ve been on.” He stands behind me and rubs my shoulders. The warmth from his hands is welcoming; the wind is chilly.

“I’m okay so far.”

“Good. But if you start to feel bad, let me know.”



Brent turns me around to face him, blocking me in with an arm on each side to rest on the railing. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“Why? So you don’t have to sleep alone? Or would you share a room with Gregory?”

He grins. “I’m glad you’re here because I’ll get birthday sex.”

“Brent!” I slap his arm, totally not expecting him to say something like that. “Just because it’ll be your birthday doesn’t mean I’ll sleep with you.”

He grabs my waist and while checking over his shoulder every so often begins to walk backward into the room, closing the sliding door after I step inside. “I’d have birthday sex with you. In fact, I promise I’ll have birthday sex with you.”

“On a ship?”

The frown is unexpected as he sits down on the bed and brings me down to straddle him. “You want me to take off of work again in two months?”

“Tsk. Tsk. What I’ll do for you, you won’t do for me. And you sound like the workaholic I’ve been trying to help you prove to everyone you aren’t.” I was only teasing, but I don’t think he knows that. “Relax, Brent. I was kidding. A weekend getaway would be nice, though.”

“Deal. Wherever you want to go.” He slips his hands underneath my shirt and kisses my neck.

“Starting your birthday celebration early?”

Brent chuckles. “Honey, I’ll be celebrating all week. Maybe all month or all year. Maybe for the rest of my life.”

I hum and run my fingers through his hair. “I think you’d be celebrating something other than your birthday if it’s for the rest of your life.”

“What’s that?” he asks as he unhooks my bra and removes both my shirt and bra.

My laugh causes him to lift his gaze from my breasts to my eyes. “I don’t know if I want to answer that.”


“Seems either pretty sure of myself or you’re going to gloat again.”

It takes a moment, but the grin I was hoping wouldn’t come slowly rises. “I’d be celebrating my new marriage and wife; that’s what you were going to say, wasn’t it?” Brent kisses me quickly before twisting and laying me on the bed. “If I didn’t know how much you liked me being a gentleman, I’d think that you’re going to propose to me soon.”

“Get over yourself. You’re the one who keeps bringing it up.” I roll my eyes.

“Oh, no. I’ve only brought it up once. You’ve brought it up at least twice.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024