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“This is the face of a woman who needs more than what you gave her.”

He grins. “Sorry, hon. We have to finish getting ready.”

Then he does the most evil thing ever and turns his back on me. I glare at him for a good few seconds before facing the mirror again to reluctantly finish applying my makeup.

“Are you ready for your talk with Kayla later?”

I sigh and use some time to put away my makeup before answering him. He’s waiting expectantly, though. “I don’t want to talk about this.”

“She feels really bad about it.”

“How would you know?” I snap, immediately regretting it. She does seem to regret what happened and seems eager to talk it over, but I’m wary of trusting her.

“Because she told me,” Brent answers, getting my attention.

“When?” He’s been with me all day. When would she have time to talk to him? I sit on the bed next to him.

“She came over while you were napping.” When I don’t say anything, he sighs and wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. “I want you two to get along and I know you might not trust her, but I think she’s being sincere and genuine now.”

“I want us to get along, too.” I want that primarily for his sake if for no other reason. The rest? I’m not so sure about that. “I don’t want to talk about this, though.”

“Okay.” He kisses my temple. “I love you, you know?”

“I know. I love you too.” I lift my head to look at him and get the soft kiss I was hoping for.

Brent grins. “Plan on marrying me tonight? You are wearing a white dress.”

I roll my eyes and shove him away as there’s a knock on our door. At least the mood has been lifted, thanks to him. “You’re a good man, Brent, but not yet.”

We find the trio from next door out in the hallway, ready to go to dinner. I’m not exactly looking forward to it based on the slight tension so far. What I’d really like to do is go for a run. There is a fitness area on board, but the idea of running on a treadmill is unappealing, especially when that treadmill is on a ship.

Since it’s formal night, we stop to get our pictures taken first. I’d like to think that I’m not really a nervous person, or that it takes a lot to make me nervous. Maybe uncomfortable is more fitting. Either way, it pisses me off that I’m ready to bolt, to be anywhere but here, when this is exactly where I should be, and it’s all because of Kayla.

I need to put it all behind me right this very second because I’ll officially do that whenever I have to talk to her. If this will settle everything, then great. Brent can stop worrying and being stuck between us. She’ll be nicer to me. Then, all I’ll have to worry about is the occasional issues with my parents. Well, I need to find a place to live once this trip is over, too.

The idea that I’ll be working full-time, living in my own space, and free to spend my evenings homework-less with Brent makes my heart so happy and excited. That is the life I’ve been dreaming of for a long, long time. Not much could make it better.

There’s supposed to be a champagne waterfall, so after dinner, we walk to where that’s being held. There’s already a lot of people here; we end up standing on the next floor up by the stairs, looking down. Music and voices fill the area. There’s a big round table set up with glasses stacked on top of one another until only one rests at the top.

“Are you okay, hon?”

I glance at Brent who stands next to me and has one arm slung low across my back. “Yeah, why?”

“That’s the first time you’ve spoken since we left our room.”

“Oh. I’ve been thinking, that’s all. I miss running, don’t you?” I ask. “Do you miss working?”

Brent shakes his head. “As long as we keep busy or,” he leans in to whisper, “I’m lazy with you,” he leans away, “then I’m fine. But I do miss running. I’ve thought about getting up early to run in the gym, but I’d rather stay in bed.”

“And people say you don’t know how to relax.”

A few minutes later, champagne is poured into the top cup and continues as it falls further into the remaining cups. Gregory is the first to turn to everyone and speak.

“This is boring. I’ll see y’all later.” He waits half a beat for a reply from anyone before turning and walking away, probably heading to the teen center.

“We were thinking of going up to the club they have and maybe doing a little dancing. Do y’all want to come?” The question seems to slowly force its way out of Kayla’s mouth. Maybe it’s because of me or maybe it’s because she just asked her dad if he wanted to go to a club. It could be both.

“We’ll go,” Brent answers without even glancing at me to gauge my interest.

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