Defend - Page 73

As we follow behind Logan and Kayla, I pinch his side. When he completely ignores me, I pinch him again. He grabs my wrist to stop a third attack.

“I know what you’re doing,” I whisper. “My answer would’ve been yes, but next time, you should ask me anyway.”

Brent simply nods and kisses my knuckles before releasing my hand.

The designated club is about half full. Some people sit at tables while others dance to the thumping music. Kayla finds a table and Brent immediately abandons me by telling Logan that they should get us drinks from the bar. I’m so going to kill him. I don’t need him helping this along.

“I think Dad wants us to talk,” Kayla states the obvious with a nervous laugh.

“Seems that way,” I agree. She opens her mouth, but I decide I don’t want her running this conversation. “Look, this morning was a bad mistake that I’d like us to forget. Our real problem is that for whatever reason, you don’t like me and you don’t want me with Brent. Get over it, Kayla. That’s as nice as I can say it. The age difference is weird, and I totally understand that; I would feel the same way if the situation was reversed, but I wouldn’t treat that person like you’ve treated me. He loves me and he’s happy. What more do you want for him? Would you rather he be alone and working more? He works less because he spends his time with me, Kayla. You’re welcome. I don’t know what more you want from me or what it’ll take for you be nice to me and actually mean it. I’m not expecting us to be friends, but damn, at least be more civil.”

Kayla is quiet for one of my hammering heartbeats. “First, I would like to say I’m sorry about this morning.” I nod in acceptance. “I just realized why I don’t like you.”

Great. We’re back to square one. “Why?” I demand to know.

“You’re intimidating.”

Her words knock me back an inch or so.

“What? How?”

“Look at how you just talked to me. Look at how you carry yourself. At how you are with boys.”

“Kayla, you aren’t making any sense.” Not to me at least.

“You’re so direct and mean no bullshit.” She shakes her head with a little laugh. “You’re a little like Dad that way. But you just came at me like a bulldozer and you always seem to have this relaxed look about you, always seem so at ease and comfortable with who you are and what you want. Even in class you were that girl who even when you looked like your life was falling apart, you just know that you’ll somehow handle it with an annoying grace. And when you were around boys, not that I can’t flirt or that I don’t feel confident, but you know those girls we seem to hate because they seem to draw eyes without even realizing it?” I nod again. “That’s you. Oblivious and at ease and breaking hearts.”

“I am nothing like that, Kayla. I mean, yeah, I can be direct and mean no bullshit, but handling the hard parts of life with grace?” I shake my head. “Not me at all. I run myself into the ground until I feel better; ask Brent. As for the guys, I don’t turn heads any more than the next girl, but I probably flirt without meaning to sometimes and sure, I’m at ease. I’m also the one getting my heart broken, not the one breaking hearts.”

Kayla takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry about everything. I sometimes have a hard time giving people a chance. It’s harder when it comes to my dad. He’s my go-to parent, and before Logan, I always went to my dad first whenever I had a problem. Just as much as he wants to make sure I’m with someone who loves me, treats me well, and everything like that, I want the same for him. I don’t want my dad’s heart to get broken.”

“That makes sense.”

“Dad is happy and you don’t seem to be terrible,” I have to laugh at that, “so if you’re willing to forgive me, I’ll wave the guys back over here. I truly am sorry for my behavior, Jamie.”

“If you’re ready to move forward, then so am I.”

She smiles and then waves to Brent and Logan, who have been watching us not-so-subtly from the bar with our drinks. They sit down, distributing drinks, and Brent rests an arm across my shoulders.

“So? Do I get some peace now?” he asks.

“Yes,” Kayla answers. “We’re starting fresh and sweeping everything else under the bridge.”

Brent grins. “I knew my little girl could do it.”

Kayla laughs. “What about her?” She nods toward me.

“What about her? All she had to do was listen and accept your apologies. You had to do all the legwork.”

“We were worried for a second there, though,” Logan says. “It looked like Jamie was ripping you a new one.”

“She was saying her piece,” Kayla explains. She turns toward Logan. “Why don’t you dance with me, handsome?”

Without a word, he stands with his hand waiting for hers. The moment they’re gone, Brent kisses me hard and quick.

“I feel like I can breathe better now. Thank you for trusting what she said.”

“You’re welcome. She said I’m intimidating.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024