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“See? Good man.” She kisses my cheek and I hold her tight. I wouldn’t mind taking off of work for more trips with her. She’s definitely the woman for me.

“I can’t believe you actually volunteered to answer a question and you won a hundred bucks!” I say to Kayla as we leave the room where the game was held.

“I always try to do one thing out of my comfort zone on vacations. That was my one thing. Logan wanted me to do the singing competition they have, but...” Her voice trails off as she shakes her head.

“You can sing?” I ask with surprise.

“Yeah, I’m not too bad. I used to sing in a coffeehouse and I had a video channel online, but the only person I’m singing for these days is Logan.”

We amble into one of the stores. Kayla’s demeanor has changed, softened, and I’m unsure if I should ask my follow-up question. I suddenly feel like we’re in murky waters, but I have no clue why. Since we’re branching out into this new relationship where we’re friendly and nice, I decide I should keep that going and ask my question.

“How come you only sing for him now?”

“I’m guessing my dad hasn’t told you that I was stalked.” She cuts a quick glance at me.

Stalked? “I think he mentioned it briefly when we first met. He said I was too trusting and I ended up asking him why he was always so concerned about safety, and he said something about how you had been stalked.” Though I can’t really remember what he said now.

“Well, long story short, he either found me through my videos or the coffeehouse. I haven’t really had the urge to get my social media accounts reactivated or to return and start singing again. I don’t think I ever will. I don’t miss it so far, so that’s good.”

What exactly does a person say to that?

Nothing, as it turns out.

“I’d like to head back to our rooms,” Kayla says. “Do you want to hang around and hope they find you or come with me? I think the only thing going on right now is karaoke and disco.”

“The rooms are fine.”

It’s a little late anyway and we have an early morning tomorrow. I don’t know what Brent was thinking when he promised to go running with me after the movie. The movie won’t be over until a little after midnight.

Once in our respective rooms, I change into my pajamas and then find a pen and paper. I’ll leave a note for Brent, telling him to forget about running and that I had a good time with Kayla, just in case I fall asleep before he gets back. As I lie in bed with my eyes closed, I think about the options before me.

There are plenty of reasons to move in with Brent. We’re sure to continue spending our free time with one another. He’s confident this is a good move at the right time and I trust his judgment. I love him. I can easily picture a long-term relationship with him, marriage even. I won’t be moving in because I need to, but because I absolutely want to, and I think the difference is important.

The only reasons I can think of to not move in are the possibility that it may be too soon and that maybe I need to live on my own first.

That’s it.

And I’m not sure the should nots outweigh the shoulds. It seems impossible that they could do such a thing.

As I doze off, I realize that might mean I have my answer.

I’m startled awake when Brent returns due to the thump and click of the door closing. However, when I roll over, I don’t see him, but I hear another door close. It’s not long before Brent appears, clearly coming from the bathroom.

Brent takes one look at me and crawls onto the bed until he’s hovering over my body. “I woke you, didn’t I?” I nod. “Sorry, hon.” He gives me a sweet, apologetic kiss. “How’d it go with you and Kayla?”

“Read my note,” I grumpily reply, rolling onto my side to go back to sleep.

“Don’t you want to know about the movie?” he asks, sounding way too amused for how I feel.

“No.” With a yawn, my eyes close and I keep them that way. I wasn’t as tired as I feel now until I fell asleep. Waking up before I’ve gotten enough sleep is not making me happy.

“I think I like you like this,” Brent whispers.

“I’m about to elbow you if you don’t go away and finally let me turn that lamp off.”

“She left me a note and left the lamp on for me. How sweet,” Brent says with a chuckle. He leans down and kisses my neck.

“Brent,” I whine. “I need sleep.”

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