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Breakaway (Penalty Kill 1)

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“Whatever.” I slump down in the chair. I’m not subjecting Levi to my dad. There is no way in hell.

“See you tonight. Maybe we can go grab some food after the game.”

“No, I won’t be there.”

Trevor looks at me like I lost my mind. “Why won’t you be at my game?”

“Because she’ll be at mine.” Levi is standing in the doorway. His arms are crossed against his bare chest and his jeans are hanging dangerously low. I’m about to drool on myself when Trevor begins to yell.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Carr?” Trevor’s brown eyes are filled with anger.

“I spent the night withmy girlfriend.” Levi smirks at Trevor. I almost fall off my chair when Levi calls me his girlfriend.

“Your what?” Trevor looks at me. I just sit there with my mouth hanging open. I’m still trying to process Levi’s statement and there is no way I can explain it to Trevor.

“Do I need to repeat myself, McCarthy? I know you have taken a few blows to the head lately,” Levi chirps in.

“I'll fucking end you, Carr, if you say one more thing.” Trevor gets right in front of Levi’s face. Levi looks amused more than angry or worried about being hit by my brother. It’s enough to bring me out of my trance.

“Enough!” I yell at both of them. I stand up and get between them. “I’m tired of this and it’s going to end, right now.”

“That’s right it is, because you aren’t seeing him anymore, Presley.”

“Stop telling me what to do, Trevor!” I’m so mad right now. I can’t think straight as my blood is pumping so fast it’s pounding in my ear. Between Trevor, Mom, and I’m sure I will hear it from Dad soon; I can’t take everyone telling me what to do. I’m not a child anymore. I am an adult. “Get out Trevor. I will talk you tomorrow.”

“Get out? You can’t be serious. You’re picking this ass over your own brother. Yourtwin brother.” Trevor looks hurt, upset, and seems ready to kill Levi.

“I’m not picking anyone over anyone. I’m asking you to leave my apartment because you’re acting like a jerk.” I am at my breaking point with Trevor. He is being so immature.

“This is our father’s apartment. His money pays for it. But, don’t worrySis, I’m leaving and I won’t be returning.” He walks past Levi and me, but stops and turns around. “You know what, Presley? You just became a Puck Bunny because you seemed to drop your pants pretty fast to be fucked by a wanna-be hockey player.” I gasp and Levi grabs him and throws him against the wall. Trevor slams into the wall so hard my pictures fall down.

“Say one more word, McCarthy. Say another fucking thing about Presley and I’ll drop you right here.” Levi’s voice is menacing, and I really think he would hurt my brother. Trevor’s face goes red because Levi has him by the throat.

“Levi.” I grab his rock hard arm that is around my brother’s throat. “Levi, don’t hurt my brother. Please, Levi, he didn’t mean it.” Levi lets him go and he drops to the ground, gasping for air. Instantly, I’m by his side. “Trevor, are you okay?” He nods trying to gather his bearings. I look up at Levi, but he isn’t there.

“I need to get out of here.” Trevor stands slowly and heads for the door.

“Trevor-” I try to stop him, but he just shuts the door. I’m in shock of the events that just transpired. I’m still sitting on the floor as the tears are close to falling. Am I choosing Levi over my brother? Why can’t my brother be happy for me? All my thoughts are crashing down on me as I stand up to find Levi.

Levi is in my bedroom. He

is staring out my window that looks out into the courtyard. The muscles in his back are tight with the anger still pulsing through him. I’m not sure what to do. I don’t want to upset Levi, but I can’t have him hurting my brother. I won’t stand for that either.

“Levi.” I approach him slowly. He doesn’t move nor does he look at me. “Levi, are you okay?” I know he won’t hurt me as I get closer to him. I place my hand on his back gently. He jumps slightly.

“Smarty, I’m sorry. I know I went too far, but when he called you a Bunny…I don’t know what happened.” Levi looks sad, staring out the window. His jaw is tight and I can tell he is grinding his teeth.

“Levi, I understand, but that’s my brother. You can’t do things like that, especially to him, if you want to remain in this relationship.” Are we in a relationship? I still can’t get over the fact that he called me his girlfriend. I know I should be more focused on other things, but it is a lingering statement.

“I just don’t like him calling you names. He shouldn’t treat you like that.” Levi finally looks at me.

“Levi.” I stand in front of him and place my hands on his chest. I can feel his heart still pounding under my hands. “He is my brother. We are going to argue, that is a given, but you can’t almost choke him to death when we do. Trevor’s a good person and a great brother. He’s just getting use to the idea of us being together.” I run my hands up his chest and wrap them around his neck. “Okay?”

Levi stares at me, and I’m not sure what he is thinking about. It seems he’s confused about something, and I’m just hoping he understands that Trevor is my brother and I will not choose between them.

Finally, Levi nods. “Yeah, I know what you mean. Listen, I need to get going.” He pulls away from me and grabs his shirt that is on the end of the bed.


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