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Breakaway (Penalty Kill 1)

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He turns on his heels and stalks out.


Chapter Sixteen


I’m so nervous about this evening. Levi and Trevor are playing each other and it’s going to be intense. Marley is going with me, but she said that she would cheer for anyone who checked Jere into the boards. I’m trying to figure out what to wear to the game. I can’t wear JWU because Levi might get mad. I can’t wear Levi’s RU shirt because Trevor would be mad. I decide to wear my Pittsburgh Penguins long sleeve shirt. That way I won’t have to worry about hurting anyone’s feelings.

“Come on, let’s see Jere get killed,” Marley says.

“Marley,” I sing out. “I know you don’t want Jere seriously hurt.”

Marley huffs. “Well, maybe slightly hurt.” I laugh at her as we head out.

~ ~ ~

The stadium is packed. The rival game brings out everyone from both schools. I don’t get to talk to Levi or Trevor before the game because I know they are determined to focus on the game. Marley and I finally find our seats just in time for the guys to warm-up. Levi has a very determined look on his face as he skates around the ice. Usually, he looks for me in the stands, but this time he doesn’t. I bet it is because I am far up in the stands. I look down to the other side of the ice and I see Trevor with the same look of determination on his face. Levi and him are exchanging some look that can be construed as lethal. Now, I’m really worried.

The teams finish warming up and head to their benches. Both coaches are talking to their teams, and I can feel the tension in the air as Trevor and Levi just stare each other down. They skate to center ice. The crowd is cheering so loud, but I’m not. My nerves are getting the best of me as I can see the fury roll off of them.

“I think this is going to bad,” Marley says in my ear. I look at her and just nod.

The puck drops and Levi shoves Trevor to the ground and gains the puck. Levi takes off down the ice and Trevor gets up and is hot on his trail. Trevor slams Levi into the boards. The crowd goes insane and I’m sure I’ve stopped breathing. Levi and Trevor shove at each other the whole time they are on the ice. I can’t believe what I am watching as the lines changes. Levi and Trevor are still staring each other down. All I can do is hope no ones gets seriously hurt.

At the end of the first period, Levi and Trevor are still alive. Although, I’m not sure how long they will be. If Levi isn’t slamming Trevor into the boards, then Trevor is slamming Levi. They tug at each other’s jerseys and Trevor even tried to trip Levi. I can’t believe this is only the end of the first period.

The start of the second period is no different than the first. Levi and Trevor are all over each other. I’m becoming more anxious that something bad will happen. Then it happens. Trevor and Levi are battling for the puck. Levi gains the puck and scores, right in front of Trevor. He is so mad that he breaks his hockey stick. Levi just smirks as he skates by. I do clap for Levi’s goal, but I know my twin and there is something else going on besides hockey. Luckily, there are no more goals scored in the second period.

During the intermission, Marley gets me something to drink because she said I look pale. I just know the third period is going to be the worst of them all. I gingerly take a drink as I, somewhat, listen to Marley talking. The horn sounds and the final period is underway. My shaking hands return as I watch Levi and Trevor have words on the ice before the puck drops. I assume they are trash talking each other. The third period is no different than the other two periods. Hit after hit and battle after battle, as the game continues. There are a few minutes left in the period when I watch Levi steal the puck away from Trevor. Levi turns with the puck and makes a breakaway from everyone and skates down towards the other end of the ice. He slightly toe drags and slaps the puck over the shoulder of the goalie. He scores and Roxboro is leading the game. Levi’s wide, cocky grin at Trevor can be seen by everyone. The energy rolling off of him feels almost like the puck was me as he stole it from Trevor and made a breakaway for the win.

“Are you going to go see Trevor?” Marley asks as we head out and down to the visitor's locker room.

“Oh no. I know my twin. He is going to find a bar and a Bunny and drown his sorrows. I, on the other hand, am going to find Levi and enjoy a great evening with him.” I smile at the thought of a great night of sex and Levi.

“Ugh, young love sucks!” Marley bellows. I laugh at her. I know she will rebound just fine from Jere and she will move on to another.

“You’re going to the after party with me, right?” I’m hoping she will start up a conversation with some guy and forget all the bitterness she has right now.

“Might as well,” she sighs.

We both are freezing as we make it to the entrance. Levi is already changed and waiting there.

“Hey, good looking.” I give him a hug.

“Hey, Smarty. Hey, Marley. Let’s get going.” Levi practically drags me to his SUV and Marley tries to keep up.

“In a rush, Carr,” I giggle as we all climb in.

“Just cold,” he says. I know that he’s lying, but I let it go.

On the ride over, Levi holds my hand the whole time. Marley is still chatting about nothing really in the back of the SUV as I get lost in the world of Staind’s Tangled Up in You that’s coming through the speakers. Levi squeezes my hand as we both listen to the song. I know something is seriously wrong just by the way he is acting. I can tell he is lost in his thoughts and is very distant. I want to ask him what is wrong, but I think I’ll wait until he tells me.

We make it to the after party in record time and the party is well underway when we arrive. Everyone is congratulating Levi and the other teammates that are there. The music is loud and the alcohol is flowing. Marley and I grab a few beers and I hand one to Levi. He downs the beer faster than I’ve ever seen. I feel my phone buzzing and when I see it’s Trevor calling, I’m going to answer it.

“Hey, no phones tonight. Just you and me, please.” Levi has hurt in his eyes, and I’m not sure what is going on, but I know it has to be important. I nod in agreement and turn my phone off. Levi leads me into a dark corner and holds tight to my hips and his forehead lays on mine. My

hands are running through his hair on his nape of his neck. Levi is almost shaking, and I can’t take it anymore.

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