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A Hockey Player's Proposal (Oh Captain, My Captain 2)

Page 65

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We follow suit, clinking the glasses together before lifting them to our mouths and throwing them back. Nights like these are my favorite, nights I’ve come to love and cherish. The brothers, my best friend, and me all together. Bradley alone would be enough to make us laugh, but when you pair him with Brody, their bickering can make us laugh until our sides hurt. I wasn’t sure about Bradley moving here at first, only because I knew Allison had a part in that even if she didn’t know about it.

But now, I’m really happy he’s here. I can see how much happier Brody is by having his brother nearby. He seemed happy before, but I think he’s truly happy now. It’s not often that I see him without the exact same smile he’s wearing right now.

We’ve been here for about an hour when I lean closer to him, my hand on his thigh as my lips brush his ear. “Take me home.”

His grin widens as he wordlessly starts to gently push me out of the booth. “We’re heading out.” His eyes cut to Bradley. “Since you live with me, I’m assuming you can pick up our tab? Thanks,” he adds without waiting for an answer as he stands, takes my hand, and we leave.

It doesn’t take us long to get to my house. Brody’s hands are firmly on my waist as he kisses my neck while I unlock my door.

“I have to let Bonkers out first,” I remind him.

“Of course,” he murmurs. “I’ll do that. You get us a beer and I’ll meet you in the living room?”

“Sure,” I answer, pushing the door open. Bonkers goes nuts around our feet but one simple command from Brody has him running after him and towards the backyard. I shake my head at the two of them, grab us each a beer, and then go relax on the couch.

The little taps of Bonkers’ paws soon sound as he comes barreling back through the house. He jumps into my lap with his front paws on either side of my neck as Brody sits next to me.

“Hey, Bonkers. Did you miss me?” I rub his head as my eyes catch sight of something hanging from his collar. My brows come together in confusion as my lips dip. “Be still,” I order sternly when he keeps wiggling in my lap, preventing me from getting a good look. My heart nearly stops as my fingers touch a ring. What in the world? “Brody?” I question, unable to look away from the bright ring against Bonkers’ black fur.

“What is it?”

His response makes me look over at him. “What’s on Bonkers’ collar?”

“Well, what is that?” he asks with fake wonder as he peers at the collar. “That looks like a diamond ring. Wonder how that got there?”

My heart pounds faster as I realize what’s coming. “I have a feeling where it might have come from, but I think you know more than I do.”

Brody reaches over to remove the collar, and it momentarily irks me that Bonkers stays still. He always moves too much when I try to either take it off or put it back on. I watch quietly as he removes the ring. “Okay, I may have put that there.”

“May have?” I question.

He ignores me and continues, his eyes flicking back and forth between me and the ring he’s holding. “I bought this before the All-Star week started. When I walked by the window, I saw it and I knew that it was meant for you. It was meant to be your engagement ring. It was meant for you to wear everyday and see how much I love you, and how much I want to be your husband.” He lifts his gaze to me and holds it. “Selene Porter, will you marry me?”

We’ve almost been here, in this moment, before, so I can’t help but want to tease him a little. “What would you say if I said ‘we’ll see’ or ‘not this time’?”

“I would wait for you until I heard a ‘yes’,” he replies without missing a beat. My heart, on the other hand, does miss a few beats.

This man next to me loves with his entire heart, unconditionally, no questions asked. He’s given me that love, has shown it to me, and has waited for me to catch up to him. He doesn’t need to wait any longer, though. “I’ll say yes now, if that’s okay with you?”

“Well, I guess it’ll be okay,”

I grin. “You do know that this doesn’t mean I’ll only wear your jersey now, right? Kris and the others still need my support too.”

“I’ll try to keep my jealousy in check when you do that. As long as you always wear this ring,” he adds, sliding it onto my finger.

“I won’t ever take it off,” I promise.

“I love you.”

Smiling, I say, “I love you too.” I stand up and start for the stairs. “Give me five minutes,” I call over my shoulder. “And I’ll be ready and waiting.”

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