Divided in Death (In Death 18) - Page 13

“Which were?”

“If she’d walked in with a big, nasty knife in her hand, she wouldn’t have dug into her bag of tricks for a minidrill to go at the jacket. If she washed up, why’d she use the other upstairs bath to get sick? Why leave her prints there? How come there’s no blood in her hair? Spatter hits the lamp, some of the wall, and to do what she did, she’d have been right on top of them, but there’s no spatter in her hair. She wash that, too? Then why didn’t the sweepers find any of her hair in the bathroom drains?

“You’re very thorough.”

“That’s why they pay me the big bucks. Whoever did this knows her, Roarke, and the victims. Wanted one or the other of them dead, maybe both. Or maybe just want Reva Ewing doing life in a cage. That’s a puzzler.”

She sat on the corner of her desk sipping her coffee. “I’m going to turn her life inside out, and do the same job on the victims. At least one of them is the key. Whoever did it surveilled the vics, got the photos, the discs. Good quality. And they got into the house as slick as Reva did, so security’s no problem for them. Had a military-style stunner. I need it analyzed yet, but I’m betting it’s no black market knockoff. They think the cop’s going to step into that scene and gobble all that shit right up, then go eat a fricking doughnut.”

“Not my cop.”

“Not any cop in this division or that cop deserves a boot up the ass,” Eve said with feeling. “When something looks that perfect on the surface, it never is down below. Whoever set this up was just a little too creative. Maybe he figured she’d run. That when she woke up, she’d panic and run. But she didn’t. I’m having the medicals go over her, see if she was knocked out, or given a dose of something that knocked her out. She doesn’t strike me as the fainting type.”

“I wouldn’t think so.”

Still sipping, she looked at him over the rim of her mug. “You’re going to get in my face on this again?”

“I am, yes.” He touched her arm, ran his hand down it, then let her go. “Both Caro and Reva are important to me. I’ll ask you to let me help. If you refuse, I’ll go around you. I’ll be sorry for it, but I’ll do it. Caro isn’t just an employee to me, Eve. She’s asked me for help, and she’s never asked me for anything before. Not once in all the years she’s been with me. I can’t step aside on this, not even for you.”

She took another contemplative sip. “If you could step aside on this, even for me, you wouldn’t be the man I fell for in the first place, would you?”

He set his coffee down, stepped over to frame her face in his hands. “Remember this moment, won’t you, the next time you’re furious with me? And I’ll do t

he same.” He lowered his head to press his lips to her forehead.

“I’ll send you my files on both Caro and Reva, which contain considerable personal data. And I’ll get you more.”

“That’s a good start.”

“Caro asked me to do so.” He eased back. “I would’ve done it anyway, but it’s easier all around that she asked. You’ll find, in your dealings with her, she is scrupulous.”

“How’d she get that way working for you?”

He grinned now. “A paradox, isn’t it? You’ll call Feeney in?”

“I’m going to need ace EDD men, so yeah, it’ll be Feeney—and he’ll bring in McNab.”

“I could help with the electronics.”

“If Feeney wants you, he can have you. I’ll clear it with the commander. But you know it’s going to be touchy, your connection to the suspect. If I don’t convince Commander Whitney this is a frame, he’s not going to go along, even unofficially.”

“My money’s on you.”

“Let’s take it a step at a time. Get Caro home.”

“I will. I’m going to clear my calendar as much as possible until this is finished.”

“You paying for the lawyers?”

“She won’t let me.” A shadow of annoyance rippled over his face. “Neither of them will budge in that particular area.”

“One more. Did you and Reva ever tango?”

“Do you mean were we ever lovers? No.”

“Good. Slightly less sticky that way. Clear out,” she ordered. “I’ve got to round up my partner and drive to Queens.”

“Could I ask a question first?”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
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