Divided in Death (In Death 18) - Page 26

“Yes, sir.” He winked at Peabody as they stepped into the elevator. “You look tired, Detective.”

“I’m whipped. It’s what . . . fourteen hundred. Twelve hours on the clock, on no sleep to speak of. I don’t know how she does it.”

“Just focus,” Eve ordered. “I’ll give you an hour’s personal in the crib at Central after this.”

“A whole hour.” Peabody gave up and yawned again. “Boy, that ought to set me up.”

By the time they were double-parked in front of Caro’s building, Peabody’s droopy eyes were back on alert.

“Techno-terrorists, Code Reds, government alliances. Jeez, Dallas, it sort of rocks. It’s like spy stuff.”

“It’s like murder stuff, seeing as there are two bodies in the morgue.”

Even as she got out of the car, the doorman, spiffy in hunter green with gold braid, marched over. “Ma’am, I’m sorry, but you can’t leave your vehicle there. Public parking is available two blocks west, on . . .”

He trailed off, snapped to attention like a new army recruit faced with a five-star general when Roarke strolled up to join them. “Sir! I wasn’t told you were expected. I was just informing this woman that her vehicle is in violation of the parking code.”

“This is my wife, Jerry.”

“Oh, I beg your pardon, Mrs.—”

“Lieutenant.” She ground it out between her teeth. “Dallas, and that makes this a police vehicle. That means it stays where I put it.”

“Of course, Lieutenant. I’ll make certain it’s not disturbed.”

He hustled to the door, opened it with some flourish. “Just call down if you need anything,” he said. “I’m on the door until four.”

“We’re fine. Nice to see you again, Jerry.”

“Always a pleasure, sir.”

Roarke walked directly to the automated security panel that was flanked by two tall urns filled with burnished gold fall flowers. “Why don’t I do it, and save time?” Without waiting for the go-ahead, he placed his palm on the plate, and was immediately cleared.

Good afternoon, sir! the computer said with the same delighted enthusiasm as Jerry the doorman. Welcome back. What can I do for you?

“Inform Ms. Ewing that I’m here, along with Lieutenant Dallas and Detective Peabody. And clear the elevator.”

Yes, sir. Enjoy your visit.

“Now, wasn’t that better than having a pissing match with a machine?” Roarke asked as he led the way to a trio of silver elevator doors.

“No. I like having pissing matches with machines. It gets my blood moving.”

He patted her on the shoulder, nudged her into the car ahead of him. “Well, next time, then. Eighteenth floor,” he requested.

“I guess this is one of your buildings.”

He smiled over at Peabody. “It is, yes.”

“Sweet. So, if I ever have any money to invest, would you maybe give me some pointers?”

“I’d be delighted to.”

“Yeah, like cops have investment funds.” Eve shook her head.

“You just start out saving a little bit of each payday check,” Peabody explained. “Then you find the right place to put it, so you can increase the pot. Right?”

“Exactly so,” Roarke agreed. “Just let me know when you’re ready, and I’ll find you a rainbow to bury that pot under.”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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