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Memory in Death (In Death 22)

Page 23

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“Your Honor, I ask that this witness’s speculative and inflammatory statement be stricken from the record.”

“Objection.” The PA was on his feet. “This witness is a trained police officer, one of the key members of the investigative team.”

The dance continued, but Eve could see Peabody relax into it now. She’d found her rhythm.

“You’ve got two seconds to let go of my hand before I use the other to punch you,” Eve said mildly.

“Oh. Sorry.” McNab released her, gave a nervy little laugh. “She’s okay, don’t you think?”

“She’s fine.”

There was more, then re-cross. When she stepped down, Peabody was a little pale, but Eve was pleased to see her turn her head, look directly at Celina.

She’d remember that, too, Eve decided. She’d remember she’d stood up, and she’d looked.

“That’s my girl,” McNab said the minute they were outside the courtroom. His arms went around her. “She-Body, you rocked!”

“More like I was rocky, but I think I came around. And Jesus, I’m glad it’s over.” She rubbed a hand over her belly, mustered up a genuine smile. “Thanks for sticking,” she said to Eve.

“No problem.” Eve checked the time. “Tour’s over in two. Take off, take the personal.”

“I’m okay, I—”

“Nothing’s shaking anyway.” She spotted Nadine Furst, Channel 75’s on-air ace, clicking her way over the tiles in her skinny-heeled boots, her camera in her wake. “At least, nothing official.”

“There she is. How’d it go, Peabody?”

“Okay. I think it went good.”

“You up for a quick one-on-one?”

Eve started to object on principle, then stopped herself. It would probably be good for Peabody to have her say outside the courtroom. And she could trust Nadine.

“I guess. Sure. I can do that.”

“It’s lousy out, but it’d make better screen if we did it on the steps. Give up your girl a minute, McNab.”

“Nope, but you can borrow her.”

“Dallas, looking forward to tomorrow.” They headed for th

e doors. “I could use a quick one from you, too. The sober, flat-eyed, ‘justice is being served’ kind of thing.”

“No. It’s Peabody’s show. Take the personal,” Eve said to Peabody, and took a look up at the sky before she started down the steps.

At the bottom, she turned, looked back. Nadine was right, it would make good screen—Peabody, damp in the drizzle, on the steps of the courthouse. It’d be something Peabody would want her family to see, how she’d stood there and talked of the job and justice.

Since she liked seeing it herself, she watched a few moments. She turned away again, just in time to see the shove, grab, and go.

“My purse! My purse!”

“Oh, shit,” Eve muttered. She blew out a breath, and gave chase.

* * *

Halfway down the steps, Nadine risked a broken neck by rushing. “Get on her!” she shouted to her camera. “Stay on her. Look at her go!” When Peabody and McNab whizzed by, Nadine all but danced on the courthouse steps. “Don’t lose them, for God’s sake.”

* * *

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