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Memory in Death (In Death 22)

Page 145

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Zana blinked. “I guess not.”

There was a knock on the door. Feeney stepped in. Right on schedule, Eve thought. He held a pocket ‘link, bagged for evidence, keeping his hand over it so that it couldn’t be clearly seen. “Dallas? Need a minute.”

“Sure. Peabody, go ahead and go over the events and time line of the Monday after the murder.” Eve rose, walked over to Feeney while Peabody took the ball.

“How long you want me to stand here jawing?” he said under his breath.

“Just glance over at the suspect.” Eve did the same, over her shoulder. Then, taking Feeney’s arm, drew him out of the room. “Let’s give her a minute to think about that. You’re sure this is the same type registered to the victim.”

“Yep, make, model, color.”

“Good. She’d have gotten just enough of a look for that to register. Appreciate it.”

“Could’ve sent one of my boys down with it, you know.”

“You look more official and scary.” Since she wanted Zana to sweat another minute, Eve dipped her hands in her pockets. “So how’d it go yesterday? Fancy dress dinner.”

“Had one of my grandsons tip the gravy boat. He’s

a good kid, and we got a nice bond.” He smiled wide. “Plus I paid him twenty. Worth it. See, the wife can’t get too pissed at the kid, and I got to lose the suit. That was a winner, Dallas. Appreciate it.”

“Happy to help.” Her communicator beeped. “Dallas.”

“Baxter. Couldn’t find the sweater, but—”

“She’s wearing it.”

“No shit? Cocky little bitch. But we’ve got the handbag, the perfume, and the enhancements. Also—and you’re going to love this—since the warrant included communications and electronics, I had Trueheart take a look at her ‘link log. We’ve got her scanning about flights to Bali. She’s got a hold on a reservation on one, under the name Marnie Zane, next month. Single. One way. Out of New York, not Texas.”

“Isn’t that interesting? I’m sending Peabody out for the bag, and other items. Nice work, Baxter.”

“Me and the kid had to make up for botching the tail.”

“Got her in a corner, Dallas,” Feeney commented when she clicked off.

“Yeah, but I want her in a cage.”

She stepped back into the room, her expression sober. “Detective Peabody, I need you to retrieve some items from Detective Baxter.”

“Yes, sir. We’ve completed the Monday time line.”

“Okay.” Eve sat as Peabody went out. “Zana, did you communicate, by ‘link, with the victim at any time on the day of her death?”

“With Mama Tru? On that Saturday? She called our room, told us she wanted to stay in.”

Eve laid the ‘link on the table briefly, put the file over it. “Did you have further ’link communication with her, later that evening?”

“Ah, I can’t really remember.” She nibbled on her thumbnail. “It’s all sort of muddled.”

“I can refresh you on that. There were more communications from her ‘link to yours. You had a conversation with her, Zana. One you didn’t tell me about during your previous statements.”

“I guess maybe I did.” She looked warily at the folder. “It’s hard to remember all the times we talked, especially after everything that’s gone on.” She offered Eve a guileless smile. “Is it important?”

“Yeah, a little bit important.”

“Gosh, I’m sorry. I was so upset, and it’s hard to remember everything.”

“It doesn’t seem like it should be so hard to remember going to her room that night, the night of her murder. She must’ve looked pretty memorable with her face all busted up.”

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