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Creation in Death (In Death 25)

Page 136

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“No. He’s not getting up on his own. And look, if he tries, we have this.” Eve drew her weapon again.

“Why don’t you stun him again? While I watch.”

“Appreciate the sentiment, but I think it’s time to get you out of here. Here, let’s get this coat on you.” As Eve slid the sleeves on, Ariel hissed. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay.” She kept her eyes trained on Lowell. “I’m okay. Can you help me down so I can kick him? In the face. That’s what I imagined doing. I want to kick him in the face.”

“Again, kudos on the sentiment. But here’s what we’re going to do. I want you to wrap your arms around my neck. Glass everywhere, and I don’t have a spare pair of shoes on me. I just need you to hold onto me, and I’m going to carry you out. You hold onto me, Ariel. I’ll get you out.”

“Like…Like piggyback,” Ariel managed between shaky breaths when Eve backed up to the table.

“Yeah, that’s the way. You get a little piggyback ride, and I’m hoping you don’t sample a lot of your products.”

Ariel managed a watery laugh, then collapsed against Eve’s neck and shoulders.

“Ready? Here we go.” With her own legs wobbly from the drugs, Eve bent to take the weight. She focused on the door. Five feet to get through, she calculated as she put one foot in front of the other. Another two, maybe three to get past the broken glass on the floor.

There was communication equipment out there, she reminded herself as sweat slid over her skin and Ariel bit back whimpers. She’d tag her backup, the MTs.

She heard something crash, then the rush of feet. And tightened her grip on the weapon in her hand. She let out the breath she was holding when she heard Roarke shout her name.

“Back here! Call the MTs! That’s the cavalry, Ariel.”

“No.” Ariel’s head slumped on Eve’s shoulder. “You are.”

Roarke flew through the maze of the basement toward the echo of Eve’s voice. The sound of it had stabbed through the music, blown through him like breath.

He saw her, pale, face gleaming with sweat, her weapon in her hand, and a quietly weeping woman on her back.

He lowered his own weapon, let the tremor in his belly come and go. “We’ve come to save you.”

She worked up a grin for him. “About damn time.”

He was to her in the single beat of a heart, and despite the flood of cops pouring down, gripped her exhausted face in his hands and kissed her.

“Here.” He shifted to lift Ariel from Eve’s back. “Let me help you.”

“Is he yours?” Ariel asked.

“Yeah. He’s mine.”

Ariel stared up into Roarke’s face. “Wow.” She let out a deep, deep breath, then just closed her eyes.

“MTs, now.” Eve bent, bracing her hands on her knees. “Peabody, you here?”

“Present and accounted for.”

“I want this place secured. I want a team of sweepers in here, going over every inch, documenting everything.”

“Dallas, you look a little green.”

“Tranq’d me. Fucker got by me for a half a second. Energy pills, tranqs, I’m a chemical stew.” She stayed as she was, snorting out a laugh. “Damn it. All electronics seized. Droid somewhere upstairs deactivated. And Jesus, somebody get that music off before my head explodes.”

She pushed herself up, swayed, and might have tumbled if Feeney hadn’t gripped her arm. “Head rush. I’m okay, just a little queasy. Lowell’s in there, secured. You need to haul his ass in. Your collar.”

“No, it’s not.” Feeney gave her arm a squeeze. “But I’ll haul his ass in for you. McNab, help the lieutenant upstairs, then get your butt back down here and start on the electronics.”

“I don’t need help,” Eve protested.

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