Origin in Death (In Death 21) - Page 33


"I want to be spruced."

"Do you have any interest whatsoever in the progress of the investiĀ­gation?"

"Sure. I can listen, access, deduce while I spruce. Deduce while I spruce," Peabody repeated in a jaunty rhythm.

Eve ignored the lip dying, the hair brushing, the scent spritzing while she relayed the information and fought with traffic.

"Off-the-record and potentially illegal experimentation," Peabody mused. "His son would know."



"She's straight office drone. No medical training on her record, but we'll interview her with this angle. What I want first is a medical opinion. I want a doctor's eyes to see the data. Mira was too close to this guy."

"You said fifty or so patients. Seems like too many for him to handle alone."

"What I've got covers more than five years. Various stages of testing or prep, or whatever the hell it is. There were some groupings- A-one, -two, -three. Like that. But no, even with that schedule, he most likely had help. His son, certainly. Possibly lab techs, other doctors. If this placement business is fee-based, there have to be records of income, ind somebody who handled that end."

"Daughter-in-law? She was his ward first."

"We'll give that a push, but no medical training on record there, either. No business experience, no tech skills. Why is there never any parking around here?"

"A question for the ages."

Eve considered double-parking. Considered further the probability that her fairly new ride would get bashed by a pissed-off commuter, and circled around until she found a second-level street slot two blocks from Louise's building.

She didn't mind the walk, especially in her icy new coat.


Eve thought. All limber and loose, like they were ready to curl up together for a little morning nap in a block of sunlight.

Louise wore some sort of long white tunic that struck Eve as a bit goddessy-but it suited her. Her feet were bare, the toes painted a shimmery pink. Charles hadn't bothered with shoes either, but at least he didn't go for pink toes. He'd chosen white as well, in roomy white pants and a generously sized shirt.

They looked so rosy, Eve wondered if they'd managed to sneak in a quickie since her call. Then immediately wished her brain hadn't delved in that area.

She liked them both, had even started to get used to the idea of them as a couple. But she didn't want to think about the coupling part.

"Bright and early, Lieutenant Sugar." Charles kissed Eve on the cheek before she could evade. "Look at you." He took Peabody by the arms and gave her a quick, warm buss on the lips. "Detective Delish."

Peabody pinked and fluttered until Eve jabbed a finger in her side. "Official business."

"We're having coffee." Louise walked back into the living area, flopped on the sofa, lifted a cup. "Don't ask me anything official until I've had my first jolt. Between the clinic and the shelter, I put in fourteen full ones yesterday. Today is for sloth."

"Did you know Wilfred Icove?"

Louise sighed. "At least sit down, have some coffee that my gorĀ­geous lover so gallantly arranged. Have a bagel."

"I already had breakfast."

"Well, I didn't." Peabody sat, plucked up a bagel. "She got me out of the shower."

"You look great," Louise commented. "Cohabbing agrees with you. How are you feeling, physically?"

"Good. Finished the PT, got a thumbs-up."

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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