Origin in Death (In Death 21) - Page 51

And Peabody gave him an elbow when Reo's back was turned.

When Eve rang the bell, the security system blinked and responded

We're sorry, the Icoves are neither expecting nor accepting visitors at this time. If you would care to leave a message, one of the family or house­hold staff will get back to you if deemed appropriate.

Eve held up her badge, and the warrant. "Dallas, Lieutenant Eve. NYPSD, along with Peabody and McNab, Detectives, and Reo, Assis­tant Prosecuting Attorney. We have a warrant authorizing us to enter and to search these premises. Inform Dr. Icove or a member of the household staff. If we're not given entry voluntarily within five min­utes, we will take other appropriate measures."

One moment, please, while your identification and documents are scanned and authenticated.

"Go ahead. Clock's ticking."

A pale green light washed over her badge and the seal of the war­rant. A minute dribbled by while the security unit hummed.

Your identification and documents have been authenticated. One mo­ment, please, while the main household droid is activated. Dr. Icove has not yet acknowledged this inquiry.

Interesting, Eve thought. "Record on, Peabody," she ordered, and engaged her own as well.

Three of the five minutes elapsed before the security light blinked to green. The door was opened by the same tidy female droid Eve had seen on her prior visit.

"Lieutenant Dallas, I'm sorry you were kept waiting. I was not on active service." She stepped back, politely. "Dr. Icove is upstairs in his office. I'm afraid I was ordered not to disturb him prior to being deac­tivated for the evening."

"That's okay. I wasn't."

"But..." As Eve turned toward the stairs, the droid clutched her hands together. "Dr. Icove is very particular about not being disturbed when he's in his office. If you must speak to him, I wonder if you might go through household communications first." She gestured toward a Household scanner and 'link, similar to the ones Eve had at home.

"Reo, go that route. McNab, check security. Peabody, with me." Eve continued up the stairs

"Reo put the eye on him," Peabody muttered as they reached the second floor.


"On McNab. She put the juicy eye on him. And she better make sure that's all she puts on him, or I'll have to kick her tiny Southern ass."

"Maybe you could make some pretense about actually being on duty," Eve suggested. "Just for the frigging record."

"Just saying." She glanced around as they turned toward the third-floor stairway. "Big place. Nice colors, pretty art. Quiet."

"Wife and kids are supposedly tucked into their summer house. I'd imagine his office is soundproofed. Deactivates his household droid for the night, puts a no-pass on his security. Yeah, he's serious about not being disturbed."

The third floor had been reconfigured into three rooms. She noted the play area-kid world-with high-end arcade games, entertain­ment screen, lounging chairs, snack bar. Beside it was an area more adult, and more female by Eve's gauge. A kind of woman's sitting room/office done in pastels with arches and curves.

Across from it, a door was closed. Assuming soundproofing, she didn't knock, but pressed the intercom button. "Dr. Icove, this is Lieu­tenant Dallas. I'm accompanied by two detectives and an assistant prosecuting attorney. We've entered the residence with a warrant to search. You are legally obligated to open this door and cooperate."

She waited a beat, heard no response. "Should you refuse to co­operate, we are authorized to bypass the locks and enter. You may contact your attorney or representative for verification. You may request that your attorney or representative be present to supervise said search.

"Silent treatment," Peabody commented after a moment.

"Let the record show that Dr. Icove has been informed and has re­fused to respond verbally. We are entering without his acknowledg­ment."

Eve dug out her master, slid it through the standard interior lock.

"Dr. Icove, this is the police. We're coming in."

She opened the door.

The first thing she heard was music, the soft, mindless mush often played in elevators or on 'link holds. The desk stood in front of a trio of windows. If he'd been working there, there was no sign. A door to the left opened into what she could see was a bath. Beside the door was a mood screen, set on a soft, mindless mush of colors to match the music

There was art, and books, family photographs, what she assumed were awards, diplomas.

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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