Origin in Death (In Death 21) - Page 98

She turned as Feeney and McNab came through the door. Each carried a large EDD field bag.

"Got the works," Feeney told her. "Any on-site contingency. Warrant come through?"

"Not yet." Eve looked at the moody sky. It was going to be a nasty ride.

Feeney pulled a bag of cashews out of his pocket, offered them around. "You gotta wonder why, when there's so many fricking people in the world anyway, some asshole would make a bunch more just be­cause he can."

Eve bit into a nut and grinned.

"Takes the fun out of it, too." McNab opted for a square of gum over cashews. "You eliminate the good part right off. There's no 'Oh, Harry, look at our beautiful, bouncing baby. Remember that night we both got shit-faced and said to hell with contraception?' I mean, hey, if you're going to be wiping some kid's butt for a couple years, you ought to get the bang at the start."

"And there's no sentiment," Peabody added, and popped a cashew. "None of the 'Honey, he's got your eyes, and my chin.'"

"And oddly," Eve added, "your admin's nose."

Feeney spewed out cashew crumbs.

They all sobered when Mira came through the door with Reo.

She looked worn, Eve thought. Shadowed and tired. Taking her was probably a mistake, shoving the whole thing in her face.

"My boss, Quincy, your bosses, working on a judge now," Reo told Eve. "Hope to have it signed and sealed while we're in transit."

"Good." Eve nodded toward the east. "I hope that's ours." She shifted, stepped over, and spoke quietly to Mira. "You don't have to do this."

"I do. I think I do. Truth isn't always comfortable, but we have to live with it. I need to know what that truth is. Since I was younger than you are now, Wilfred was a kind of standard for me. His skill and accomplishments, his devotion to healing, to improving lives. He was a friend, and today I'm doing this rather than attending his memorial."

She looked directly into Eve's eyes. "And I have to live with it."

"Okay. But if you need to take a step back, any time, nobody's going to think less."

"Stepping back isn't an option for people like you and me, is it, Eve? We step forward because that's what we've promised to do." She patted Eve's arm. "I'll be fine."

The copter was big, black, sleek as a panther. It stirred the air-and Eve smelled rain in it-then set down on the pad. It didn't surprise her to see Roarke at the controls. It barely irritated.

He flashed a smile as she climbed aboard. "Hello, Lieutenant."

"What a ride!" Louise was already unstrapping from the copilot’s seat to move rear. "I'm inappropriately excited about this whole business."

"Then sit with McNab," Eve ordered. "And the two of you can gig­gle all the way. Just why are you and Louise included in this?"

"Because it's my copter-and," he added, "we can give you a run­down on our trip to the center on the way."

"Something definitely off there," Louise called up as Feeney and McNab stowed equipment.

"Mmm, plush." Reo rubbed a hand over the arms of her chair, the.-. shrugged at Eve's narrowed look. "If she can be inappropriate, so can I. Cher Reo, APA," she said and offered Louise her hand.

"Louise Dimatto, M.D."

"Eve Dallas, AK. Ass-kicker. Strap in," Eve ordered. "Let's move.

"Ladies, gentlemen, the air's a bit rough so you'll want to keep your seats until it smooths out." Roarke tapped controls, waited for his screen to show him air clearance. Then he boosted the copter into a straight vertical that had Eve's stomach rolling over and pitching toward Ninth Avenue.

"Shit, shit, shit." She muttered it under her breath, then sucked in air and braced. The copter punched forward, slapping her back. The first drops of rain splattered the windshield, and she prayed, sincerely, that she wouldn't boot her morning bagel.

She heard McNab's delighted "Yee-haw!" as they streaked, shook, and scooped through the sky. She imagined choking the life out of him to take her mind off what she was doing.

"Peabody, before we get official, let me say your hair is charming."

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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