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Promises in Death (In Death 28)

Page 135

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“Your call.” Eve pulled out discs. “If you want more eyes, just let me know. I appreciate this, Detective, appreciate you not holding back because I had to come at you and the rest of the squad in the first pass.”

“It’s the job.” She held out her hand for the discs. “Anything that takes that fucker down works for me.”

“Does this space suit you?”

“Coffee in the AC?”


“Then I’m solid.”

“I’ll check back in with you as soon as I can. Peabody, with me.”

“What did you give her?” Peabody wanted to know when they headed down the corridor.

“Bullshit. Busywork. Enough to keep her occupied, enough to have her coming up with other little lies. Set up for Sisto and Zeban.” She spotted Reo heading in her direction. “Flip him, Peabody. Fast and hard.”

“This is the best day. Hey, Reo.”

Eve waited while Reo caught up. “Ricker’s daughter and my prime suspect is in the conference room. She thinks she’s helping me hang Alex. I’m going to put a couple uniforms on the door, just in case, but the room’s wired.”

“You wired the room? You—”

“I asked her, straight off, if she minded being recorded. She said no—on record. It’s slippery, but it’ll hold. Alex is in one of the visitor areas. I could spring him, he’s got nothing else to give me at this point. But I think he should stay for the finale. He’s a criminal, but he cared about Coltraine. His father, his sister, and his best friend tried to frame him—however casually—for her murder. I figure he’s entitled to the payoff.”

With her shorter legs and snappy heels, Reo hustled to keep up with Eve’s long, booted strides. “Which is?”

“Peabody’s going to flip Zeban on Rouche. I’m flipping Rouche on Ricker, which should include Sandy and possibly Grady. Then I’m going to get a confession out of Grady for Coltraine and Sandy, and flip her on her father.”

“Is that all?”

“They’re all connected. It’s going to fall like a house of dominoes.”

“I think that’s house of cards, maybe rows of dominoes.”

“Whichever, it’s coming down.” She paused by Vending, pulled out credits. “Get me a tube of Pepsi. I don’t want to interact with the damn machine. I’m on a roll here, and I’m not jinxing it.”

“You’ve got some strange habits, Dallas.”

Eve studied Reo’s high, elegant shoes while the APA ordered up the Pepsi. “I’m not the one wearing stilts. This show’s going to require a lot of hiking from one room to another. Your feet are going to cry like babies before it’s done.”

Eve drank, explained the setup. “I want Morris to observe—anything he wants to observe. Mira wants to observe when I interview Grady.”

“I can take care of that. If your men find anything in the bank box, and I’m betting they will, you won’t need all the bells and whistles.”

“It’s not enough. Sure, that ring’s going to be in there and probably more to take Grady down, and that’s enough for the arrest. But it’s not enough payback, not on my scale. I promised Morris justice for Coltraine.” And, Eve supposed, she’d promised the same to a dead cop. “I’m going to get him every ounce of it.”

“If you pull this off, you’ll have made my job very easy.”

“I’m counting on you to do it.”

“Yo.” A very hollow-eyed Callendar bounced up. “Swig of that?” she said and snatched the tube out of Eve’s hand. Glugged some down. “Thanks.”

“Keep it.”

“Double thanks. Sisto hooked with the Peamiester. I’ve got your asshole in interview A as ordered.” She glugged down more Pepsi. “This shot ought to get me through observation while you fry his ass.”

“You’re not in observation. You’re taking him with me.”

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