Treachery in Death (In Death 32) - Page 122

“Jesus, Webster, you haven’t been out of murder that long.”

The impatience burning through only added impact to her theory.

“It’s how she deals when she wants to shed a problem—and when the problem touches something personal. Devin, female, questioning her—or asking questions about her. Pushing where Renee didn’t want her pushing. Devin’s mentor is a vet, a retired cop—who was on the squad when Renee took over. He didn’t like her, and he transferred.”

“Allo,” Webster said. “Detective-Sergeant Samuel.”

“Yeah. She’d know Devin was talking to him. Devin’s trouble, and isn’t falling in line or transferring out even with bogus crappy evals. Peabody may find more, something specific, the hair on the camel’s back—”

“Straw.” Webster smiled a little. “It’s the straw that broke the camel’s back.”

“What would a camel do with a straw? Whatever. Renee needed Devin gone, she made her gone. We’ll find the same with Strumb. It’s pattern. She ordered Bix to do Keener. Could’ve scared a weasel like him off, but that’s not enough for her. Dead means safe. And he can’t screw with her, her plans, her tidy system. Dead, they’re out of the equation.”

Eve got to her feet. “Commander, I’d like to get back to work, with your permission, and trust you to work out any further details on coordinating with Internal Affairs. Commander Oberman will have had sufficient time, I believe, to speak to her.”

“Commander Oberman,” Webster began.

“A moment, Lieutenant, and you’ll be apprised. Permission granted, Lieutenant Dallas.”

“Thank you, sir. Chief, Captain, Lieutenant.”

“Is it permissible to ask where you’re going?” Webster asked.

“I’m going to kick more dirt in Renee Oberman’s face,” Eve told him. “It’s the fun part of the job.”

And looking forward to it, she went out, closed the door.


THEY WORE BLACK ARMBANDS IN LIEUTENANT Oberman’s squad. Other than that, as far as Eve could see, it was business as usual. Then again, the mood here struck her as depressing in any case.

As usual, Renee’s blinds shuttered her window and the glass of her closed door.

Eve’s glance flicked over Lilah Strong, just long enough for their eyes to meet. Then she moved directly to the lieutenant’s door.

“The boss isn’t available.”

Eve turned to Bix. She’d been hoping for a confrontation there, but hadn’t expected it to be so easy. “Were you speaking to me, Detective?”

“The lieutenant isn’t available.”

“As you are addressing a superior, Detective, that would be, ‘The lieutenant isn’t available, sir.’”

“Sir.” He kept his seat, his eyes cold as a shark’s. “Lieutenant Oberman’s orders are she is not to be disturbed at this time. We lost one of our own last night.”

“I’m aware of the loss, Detective—Bix, isn’t it?”

“That’s right.”

“That’s right, sir.”


“You partnered with Detective Garnet?”

“When so assigned by my lieutenant.”

Eve waited a beat. “And it appears you share his difficulty in showing the respect due to superiors. Or is that a theme that runs through this squad? As I hold the opinion the boss sets the tone, this gives me cause to wonder if Lieutenant Oberman has difficulty showing respect to superiors.”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024