Treachery in Death (In Death 32) - Page 125

Janburry smirked. “He also claims Garnet received a tag on his ’link around that midnight hour, which he took outside before returning to finish his drink and tell Freeman he had a fresh line to pull.”

“But though drinking, excitable, edgy, and running high, I bet he didn’t give his pal any details about said line.”

“Nary a one.”

“Nary.” Now Eve grinned. “I like that. Nary a one.”

“He reads a lot,” Delfino supplied. “Considering fresh lines and excitable moods, it’s just head-scratching that Garnet didn’t in turn tag his partner in this investigation. Then again, maybe he was a selfish bastard or thought his partner was a dickhead.”

“Maybe. We’ll see what Bix has to say about it.”

“Looking forward to it. Well, shall we proceed?” Janburry said to his partner.

“See? Reads a lot.”

Enjoying their rhythm, Eve split off to prepare for the interview.

In her office, she put together what she needed, then sent memos to Whitney and Webster, leaving it to them to inform their superiors of the interview she’d scheduled. She put in a request for Mira to observe, if possible.

Then she tagged Feeney.


“Nobody likes a nag.”

“Hey, it’s been hours.”

“Not in e-time. We’re getting there. We’re close.” He crunched down on one of his habitual almonds. “It’s not like replacing a mother-board, you know.”

“Fine. You should be aware I’ve just come from pissing Renee off, adding some more pressure. She said she didn’t like me.”

“That must’ve hurt your feelings.”

“They’re bruised. I ratted her out to her old man re Garnet’s temper tantrum last night, and if he didn’t head down there and give her a spanking, I’ll dress like McNab for a week. She called me a bitch, right to my face.”

“I’m shocked by her use of harsh language.”

“I could barely conceal my pain and embarrassment. I also tweaked her boy, Bix, and have him scheduled for Interview in a few minutes, regarding Garnet’s possible use of Renee’s weasel, the now deceased Keener, as Renee graciously opened that door.”

“She’s going to want to do more than use harsh language on you.”

“You think? What’s Peabody’s status?”

“She’s hunkered down in your office here. That’s all I know.”


“What am I? The freaking hall monitor?” The screen filled with his aggrieved face. “He’s doing rich, important-guy shit. He’s in and out.”

“Okay. Keep me updated. Text only.”

“When we’ve got it, you’ll know. Otherwise, don’t bother me.”

“Jeez,” she muttered when he clicked off. “Temperamental geek.”

She started down to Interview, and spotted Baxter at Vending.

“Did you close up the wit?”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024