Possession in Death (In Death 31.50) - Page 28

“I want all of you to watch your asses,” she concluded. “This man is suspected of abducting and imprisoning at least nine women, very likely killing them when he was finished. He’s suspected of slicing up a ninety-six-year-old woman in broad daylight. Just because he used to wear tights and ballet shoes doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous.”

“Potentially very,” Mira confirmed, “when cornered, when desperate. I’ll ride with EDD,” she added. “If any of his victims are alive, I may be able to help.”

“Appreciate it.” She looked at Morris. “And if they aren’t.”

He nodded. “Yes.”

“Let’s get moving. Load it up, ride it out. Father Lopez, if I could have a moment.”

She gestured him to the side of the room. “I don’t make a habit of calling a priest into an op, but—”

“I’m grateful you did in this case. I’ll do whatever I can to help.”

“You were there when Szabo died. You did the Last Rites thing. I figured if the old woman was Catholic, the girl probably is. Between you and Mira she’d be covered.”

“It’s kind of you.”

She didn’t know if it was—didn’t know if it had been her impulse to call him in or if she’d been directed.

“How are you, Eve?”

“Hell if I know, and I don’t have a lot of time to think about it right now.”

“If you need me—”

“I’m hoping not to go there. No offense.”

He smiled at her. “None taken.”

“I’ll need you to stay in the EDD van with Mira until we’re clear.”

“Understood, even if it’s disappointing not to be able to get in on some of the action.”

“This devil’s my fight. Stick with Mira,” she said before she started toward Roarke.

“I can’t figure out how you connected the dots.” Peabody stopped her. “The basement, all those missing women, the soft-spoken piano player. I feel like I missed a couple dozen steps.”

“Things just started falling into place. Let’s just say I followed Szabo. She was already closing in. Check with Reo. See if she’s got the warrant.”

She continued on to Roarke. “I need to ask you for something.”

“Are you asking your husband or your civilian?”

“Looks like you’re both. I need you to stay close to me. If I start to lose it—”

“You won’t.”

“If, I think you can help me stay grounded. She’s in here.” Eve touched a hand to her chest. “This is the guy who took Beata, the guy who killed her. She might want some payback. If it looks like I’d turn that way, stop me. You stop me.”

“I have every confidence in Lieutenant Dallas, but if it makes you feel easier, I won’t let you do anything you’ll regret.”

“Good. But be, you know, subtle about it.”

He had to laugh. “You are absolutely you. All right then, while preventing you from taking a dead Gypsy’s revenge, I’ll do whatever I can to preserve your dignity. How’s that?”

“It’ll do.”

She reviewed the blueprints again on the way to the building, checked in with her teams, focused on the work.

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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