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Concealed in Death (In Death 38)

Page 40

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He shoved through pedestrians, succeeded in knocking a woman and her bag of groceries to the sidewalk. A trio of anemic oranges rolled out. Eve jumped over them.

“Take care of her,” she shouted to Roarke. “I’ve got this.”

Her target opted to veer right at the corner, or his upper half made the turn while his bottom half tried to catch up.

He tripped over his own feet and skidded along the sidewalk, taking out another pedestrian.

Eve pressed her boot to the back of Clipperton’s neck, glanced over at the stunned pedestrian sitting on his ass clutching a tattered briefcase.

“You okay?” She pulled out her badge. “Are you hurt?”

“I . . . don’t think so.”

“I can get medical assistance if you want it.”

“I’m hurt!” Clipperton shouted.

“Shut up. Sir?”

“I’m okay.” The man pushed to his feet, shoved a gloved hand through his hair. “Do I have to give a statement? Honestly, I’m not sure what happened. I think he more or less fell into me, and I was off balance.”

“That’s fine. Here.” She managed to pull out a card and increase pressure with her boot when Clipperton wiggled under it like a snake. “If you need to contact me regarding this incident, you can reach me here.”

“Oh, thanks. Okay. Um. Then I can go?”

“Yes, sir.” She unclipped her restraints, bent down, and clapped them on Clipperton.

“Was he running away from you?”

“He was more stumbling away from me.”

“Is he a criminal?”

Eve gave the bystander a last glance. “We’re going to find out. Up you go, Clip.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

His breath was cheap brew and ancient beer nuts. To avoid at least the worst of it, Eve shifted slightly to the side. “Why did you run?”

“Wasn’t running. Just . . . walking quick. Gotta ’pointment.”

“You’ve got an appointment with me now. At Central.”

“Whafor? Get off me.”

“You knocked down two people, and are even now attempting to immobilize an officer with your incredible breath.”


“Drunk and disorderly, pal. You’ve been here before.”

“I didn’t do anything!”

“That’s him!” The woman with the oranges pointed an accusing finger. “He knocked me down.”

“Did not.”

“Do you want to press charges, ma’am?”

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