Obsession in Death (In Death 40) - Page 38

“Good, you do that.” She scanned the building, the darkened windows, the ones currently boarded up. “It’s too early for too much trouble here.” She flicked a glance at the loiterers as one made sucking kisses noises in her direction.

The beat droid turned, but Eve shook her head. “I’ll handle it.”

She strolled over, long leather coat billowing in the wind. “Want a kiss?” she asked.

“Can’t be putting my lips on no cop’s.” Bloodshot eyes with reddened rims dared her, and when his lips peeled back in a grin he demonstrated a disdain for any hint of dental hygiene. “But I got a big dick here, you wanna use your mouth for something.”

The idea had his skinny, long-necked companion giggling like a girl.

“A big one?”

He cupped his crotch, pumped his hips. “Bigger than you ever seen, bitch.”

She angled her head, smiled. “I’ve seen pretty big, so you’re going to have to prove it.”

Still cruising on whatever had gotten him through the night, Big Dick fumbled open his fly, yanked out a cock just going hard. Privately Eve could admit he might have some reasonable bragging rights on size, but that just made it simpler.

“Is that yours?”

“Shit, you blind and stupid, bitch?”

“Just making sure.”

She grabbed it, sincerely grateful she’d pulled on gloves, twisted. As he made a sound like one of those whistling kettles just getting the steam up, his companion lurched forward with a “Hey, hey!”

Eve balled her free fist, popped him in the throat as there was such a long target. He choked, grabbed his throat, stumbled back to land on his ass on the litter-strewn concrete in front of the apartment door.

Big Dick kept making that high-pitched wheeze as he went down to his knees.

“Here are your choices,” she said, twisting just a little harder. “I can have your bruised and ugly dick hauled in along with the rest of you and your idiot friend there. Indecent exposure, assault on an officer, and toss in possession of whatever the deeply stupid pair of you have in your pockets. You get that? Nod if you get that.”

His head bobbed, his reddened eyes watered and spilled tears.

“Good. Second choice. Zip that thing back up before I add polluting the atmosphere to the list. Nod once for choice one, twice for choice two.”

Very carefully he nodded twice. “Also good.”

She let him go. Both of them coughed until she wondered if they’d bring up an internal organ. While she waited for them to get their breath back, she peeled off her gloves, gingerly turned them inside out, balled them into each other.

She wouldn’t be using them again.

“How long have you been out here?”


“I’ll go for your balls next,” Eve warned, with some cheer in the tone. “And I’ll crush them like walnuts. How long?”

“Don’t make her mad no more, Pick. Don’t make her mad.”

Longneck managed to get to his knees. “We just walked down, after-hours place down the block. We just walked down, saw the cops and all. I live here. Right here.”

He gestured to the basement flop. “We didn’t do nothing. We didn’t see nothing.”

/> “You know Ledo?”

“Sure, sure, lives right up there.”

“When’s the last time you saw him?”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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