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Obsession in Death (In Death 40)

Page 138

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Pull Mira in, have her do the shrink thing on the most likelies, run a probability on same. And wear out some boot leather tracking those most likelies down for interviews.

Check in, again, with everyone on her target list. Had she left anyone off, as she had Jamie?

DeWinter? The forensic anthropologist wasn’t a friend, but they’d worked together—and fairly closely. Shit.

Dawson? The head sweeper was a go-to, but that was work, not personal. And if she expanded there, what about Harvo? Where did Dickhead fall into the mix?

Christ, did she need to send out a blanket bulletin to everyone she worked with, consulted with, socialized with at some point?

FYI, evidence indicates I’m currently toxic. Any contact with me may result in death. Take the appropriate precautions.

Knock it off, she ordered herself. Concentrate on the work, on the process.

She needs to kill. Who is the next logical target? Determine, protect, and utilize the determination to apprehend the suspect.

Utilize current data and evidence. We have a profile, a probable if incomplete description, skill sets, motivation, and pattern. Apply to current crop of potentials, and pin the bitch down.

“Your brain’s far too busy at this hour.”

Since they were nearly nose-to-nose, Eve stared at the shadow of Roarke’s face. “Is this a new habit?”

“What would that be?”

“Second time in about a week you’re not up buying a solar system before dawn. How can the worlds of business and finance continue to revolve if you’re lying around in bed?”

“I thought I’d find out, and rescheduled my five-fifteen ’link conference.”

“Who the hell holds conferences at five-fifteen in the morning?”

“Someone with interests in Prague.”

“What time is it in Prague?”

“Later than it is here.”

“What time is it here?”

“Almost half-five, and it’s apparent the soother’s worn off.”

She barely remembered gulping it down. “What the hell was in that soother?”

“About five hours’ sleep, it seems.” He rolled on top of her.

“Hey. Who invited you?”

“I live here,” he reminded her, and lowered his mouth to take hers. “The last day of the year.” He roamed to her throat, to the spot just under her jaw that always allured him. “So we’ll end our year the proper way. Then we can begin it the same way after midnight.”

“Is that your plan?”

“Call it spur of the moment.”

“Your alternate to Prague.”

His lips curved against her skin. “Dobrý den.”


“Good morning,” he murmured, and took her mouth again, slow and deep, and his hands glided down her body and up again.

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